I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bersyukur Dan Terima Sahaja

Hello Diary,

Alhamdulillah kita berjumpa lagi. Syukur kepada Tuhan memanjangkan umur aku supaya aku boleh menulis kepada engkau lagi. Aku sihat alhamdulillah seperti biasa. Routine harian aku sekarang ini, bangun pagi dan mandi untuk ke kerja. Sebelum ke kerja akan aku singgah dahulu ke polyclinic untuk mendapatkan injection dan memakan ubat ubatku di sana. Itulah yang mesti aku buat setiap hari kecuali hari minggu dan public holidays.

Aku tidak boleh bercuti lama lama ke luar negara kerana commitment baru aku kepada time table baru aku. Aku mesti menghabiskan course of medicine aku ini selama sekurang kurangnya 6 bulan. Tidak pernah aku hadapi perkara seperti ini tetapi aku tetap bersyukur kerana penyakit aku ini boleh disembuh. Sekurang kurangnya ia bukan cancer dan itu sudah cukup bagus. Aku harus mendisiplinkin diri untuk mengikut jadual medication yang sudah ditetapkan. Aku mesti tahan sakit bila mendapat injection. Aku mesti berhenti mengeluh bila susah untuk tidur kerana kedua dua tangan aku sakit. Aku tidak boleh tidur seperti biasa. Kedua dua tangan aku menjadi mangsa injection setiap hari. Mereka akan bergilir gilir dicucuk oleh jarum yang hanya menunggu masa. Aku terima sahaja.

Seperti tangan aku yang terima sahaja apa apa, aku juga terima sahaja keputusan rumah yang aku ingin beli. Rezeki bukan milik aku. Aku tidak berpeluang kali ini. Aku tidak berputus asa Diary, aku akan mencuba lagi pada launch yang akan datang ini. Aku berharap aku akan dapat rumah itu suatu hari nanti. Ini adalah antara salah satu cara untuk aku mendapatkan asset untuk masa depan aku juga. Asset itu penting bagi aku kerana aku yakin aku tidak akan bersuami. Umur sudah meningkat dan sexual preference aku masih juga tidak berubah. Belum ada lagi teman wanita yang boleh aku habiskan masa menjadi tua dan dewasa bersama. Ini bermakna aku harus menyiapkan diri untuk menghadapi masa tua nanti. 

Walaupun tidak punyai banyak wang tetapi kalau mempunyai asset, aku boleh liquidate kan asset itu kepada wang. Sudah aku bilang pada kau, aku sudah mempunyai rancangan. Tetapi sebagai manusia, aku juga harus terima kalau rancangan aku tidak kesampaian. Ini semua kan kuasa Tuhan. Mungkin Tuhan ada yang lebih baik untuk aku. Kita tadak boleh tahu itu semua kan? Mungkin aku perlu mencuba lagi dan terus mencuba sahaja sampai aku dapatkan rumah itu. Mudah mudahan urusan urusan aku dipermudahkan oleh Tuhan. Aku tidak boleh berhenti dari berdoa dan berusaha.



Monday, September 16, 2013

Give Your Best Shot

Dear Diary,

Like I have said in my previous blog. Things are looking good at work. Alhamdulillah...Amin! I have been consistent in my sales that I am having a hard time believing my performance. I am not alone as even my superiors are experiencing the same thing too. I have gotten a lot of pats on my shoulder. They probably are proud of me. I am contented and happy but at the same time I cannot help to feel afraid and suspicious. You see Diary, people leave you alone when you are bad at your sales but people hail and cheer you when you are good. I am beginning to wish if only I would be treated the same regardless of how my sales are in the office. Nevertheless, I know the good sales come from my effort and they are all approved my Allah. Without Allah's will, I am nothing. 

I have to admit that I almost broke down when my sales numbers are not coming. Since I got back from the hospitalization leave, I have not got a sale for eights days straight. I began to feel very small. I felt useless and hopeless. I got my resume ready and about to send it away to any companies until I got a prep talk from Slow Princess in my office. Slow Princess is one of the top saleswoman in my office. She is among the top five and never fail to hit her numbers. She is a Muslim and that makes us have something in common. She told me that she too felt what I felt before. She almost gave up this job until she decided to give it her best, ignore the rest and leave everything to Allah. She prays and she zikir. Yeah, that's what she told me. It rang a bell when she said that. I have not done zikir for a long time. I simply do not practice it anymore. 

Last few weeks in one of those nights. I started to do it after my prayers and yes with Allah's willing I am back on track. I am thankful and grateful. I also did some change in my sales pitch. I started to change my mindset about the products. I followed her advice. I give my best, ignore the rest and leave everything else to Allah. I did it Diary. I am on track. Thank you Allah for making it happen. 


Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Dreams Keep Me Alive

Dear Diary,

Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise. I am doing it alone for the first time (well although I was not totally alone actually). I went to JB to visit my car and I drove my car for a short distance. It was a good thing I paid attention to the directions when I had someone to drive me around back then. You know how bad I am at directions. Things are good so far. I had YP to accompany me to JB. It was a simple outing but we enjoyed it especially her.

This friend of mine YP, she is my old colleague at the warehouse I used to work. Nobody likes her. She is always being bullied. You know what kind of environment the warehouse had don't you Diary. I did not bully her neither did I stand up for her. I suppose I just minded my own business there. I kept in touch with her. We were lunch partners. I think she felt comfortable with me and vice versa.

So I asked her if she wanted to come along. She did and we had a good time. I drove her around in my car. She said my car is big and good. I smiled and when I was driving my car, I was so happy that I did not want to leave her. I knew I had to. I simply have to wait until the time I can drive her again. To go back to Subang Jaya again may take me another five years from now. But I know I will someday. I have plans and I am working on it. I am going to make it Diary regardless I am alone or with someone. Right now, I may be alone but I am not lonely because I know I have my dreams. My dreams keep me alive.   

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stay for The Better, Perhaps

Dear Diary,

Just when I think that I have no hope in my job, things changed and that made me think twice about leaving my job. Yes, I have thought about it but a lot of things are holding me back. The company I work for is a public listed company. The colleagues are fun people although most of them are Filipinos. The monetary benefits are good although I am not entitled to full medical benefits. The location is perfect and honestly the office is conducive.

If there is one thing that I hate about my job, it would be my job scope. Sales and numbers come together. I hate having to meet numbers everyday. The pressures that I got from my superiors are simply too much for me. There are many flaws in my department. Mostly come from the Manager. We have this ever changing policies and regulations. It makes me sick. I am doing good this week. It probably due to the good leads they give me. I am just waiting for the days when only the good ones get the best leads. I don't know if I want to stay or not Diary. I am puzzled.

A lof of the locals have left for better prospects. I am waiting for things. I don't know what but I will wait until I cannot anymore.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sick and Thinking of Her

Dear Diary,

I have never been afraid of needles and medicine. I have no problems at all getting an injection or taking medicines. But I have been lazy at it. I have few bottles of supplements that are more than a year old. They are left on the shelves in my bedroom waiting to be consumed. It is not because I am afraid but simply lazy.

Being diagnosed with a disease nowadays, I have to take my medications everyday at the polyclinic. They recently include an injection on top of the 10 pills I have to take. Swallowing the pills is already a misery to me and having to be injected adds up to it. I cannot skip this prescribed medication as I am being monitored by the Tubercolosis Control Unit closely. If I skip, I will have to expect a telephone call from them. They will demand for an explanation.

The Ministry of Health takes it very seriously. Tubercolosis is airborne and that is the very reason why we have to eat the medicine under the nose of the watchful eyes of the nurse. I feel a little awkward and ticklish, like a kid being babysit to take my medicine. My work is not affected. The current schedule suits my current lifestyle.

The injection is painful after awhile. But I can handle it. The nurses are pretty sometimes. Most of the doctors that attended to me are women and on my lucky days, I got pretty ones too. Yes they are my preference, women with brains always impress me without them trying hard. One word to describe them, sexy. I supposed I can never get enough of women. I will probably remain gay for as long as I live. Sadly, I have never been in a relationship that lasted more than 3 years.

I am not easy to please. I know that and that makes me changed girlfriends like how I changed my clothes. I wonder if I ever will get to be with one woman to grow old together. I don't know...but I know who I like. The one woman that always stays in my heart. If it is about a woman that I dream, mostly it will be her. I know I love her because while I can think of any women I had been with, I only think of her even when our relationship only lasted two months. That is when I know she is special.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Maroon 5 - Daylight (Playing for Change)


Welcome Back Freedom

Dear Diary,

I am beginning to appreciate being alone again. Being alone gives me the time to be independent and most importantly to feeling it too. Being independent does not mean feeling it too does it? It helps me grow as a person. I do not have to depend on people anymore. 

I am going back to the old me. Alone does not mean lonely. Although it does feel a little bit different nowadays but it does not create loneliness or awkwardness. It feels good to be by yourself to appreciate the time you have left to spend. I am doing things by myself as before. My friends are chatting back with me and yes it sure feels like the old days. 

No more of the need to feel that someone is watching me and no need to remind myself to behave. Freedom, that is what I smell and I welcome it very much.