I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Welcome Back Freedom

Dear Diary,

I am beginning to appreciate being alone again. Being alone gives me the time to be independent and most importantly to feeling it too. Being independent does not mean feeling it too does it? It helps me grow as a person. I do not have to depend on people anymore. 

I am going back to the old me. Alone does not mean lonely. Although it does feel a little bit different nowadays but it does not create loneliness or awkwardness. It feels good to be by yourself to appreciate the time you have left to spend. I am doing things by myself as before. My friends are chatting back with me and yes it sure feels like the old days. 

No more of the need to feel that someone is watching me and no need to remind myself to behave. Freedom, that is what I smell and I welcome it very much.

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