I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sick and Thinking of Her

Dear Diary,

I have never been afraid of needles and medicine. I have no problems at all getting an injection or taking medicines. But I have been lazy at it. I have few bottles of supplements that are more than a year old. They are left on the shelves in my bedroom waiting to be consumed. It is not because I am afraid but simply lazy.

Being diagnosed with a disease nowadays, I have to take my medications everyday at the polyclinic. They recently include an injection on top of the 10 pills I have to take. Swallowing the pills is already a misery to me and having to be injected adds up to it. I cannot skip this prescribed medication as I am being monitored by the Tubercolosis Control Unit closely. If I skip, I will have to expect a telephone call from them. They will demand for an explanation.

The Ministry of Health takes it very seriously. Tubercolosis is airborne and that is the very reason why we have to eat the medicine under the nose of the watchful eyes of the nurse. I feel a little awkward and ticklish, like a kid being babysit to take my medicine. My work is not affected. The current schedule suits my current lifestyle.

The injection is painful after awhile. But I can handle it. The nurses are pretty sometimes. Most of the doctors that attended to me are women and on my lucky days, I got pretty ones too. Yes they are my preference, women with brains always impress me without them trying hard. One word to describe them, sexy. I supposed I can never get enough of women. I will probably remain gay for as long as I live. Sadly, I have never been in a relationship that lasted more than 3 years.

I am not easy to please. I know that and that makes me changed girlfriends like how I changed my clothes. I wonder if I ever will get to be with one woman to grow old together. I don't know...but I know who I like. The one woman that always stays in my heart. If it is about a woman that I dream, mostly it will be her. I know I love her because while I can think of any women I had been with, I only think of her even when our relationship only lasted two months. That is when I know she is special.

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