I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, September 16, 2013

Give Your Best Shot

Dear Diary,

Like I have said in my previous blog. Things are looking good at work. Alhamdulillah...Amin! I have been consistent in my sales that I am having a hard time believing my performance. I am not alone as even my superiors are experiencing the same thing too. I have gotten a lot of pats on my shoulder. They probably are proud of me. I am contented and happy but at the same time I cannot help to feel afraid and suspicious. You see Diary, people leave you alone when you are bad at your sales but people hail and cheer you when you are good. I am beginning to wish if only I would be treated the same regardless of how my sales are in the office. Nevertheless, I know the good sales come from my effort and they are all approved my Allah. Without Allah's will, I am nothing. 

I have to admit that I almost broke down when my sales numbers are not coming. Since I got back from the hospitalization leave, I have not got a sale for eights days straight. I began to feel very small. I felt useless and hopeless. I got my resume ready and about to send it away to any companies until I got a prep talk from Slow Princess in my office. Slow Princess is one of the top saleswoman in my office. She is among the top five and never fail to hit her numbers. She is a Muslim and that makes us have something in common. She told me that she too felt what I felt before. She almost gave up this job until she decided to give it her best, ignore the rest and leave everything to Allah. She prays and she zikir. Yeah, that's what she told me. It rang a bell when she said that. I have not done zikir for a long time. I simply do not practice it anymore. 

Last few weeks in one of those nights. I started to do it after my prayers and yes with Allah's willing I am back on track. I am thankful and grateful. I also did some change in my sales pitch. I started to change my mindset about the products. I followed her advice. I give my best, ignore the rest and leave everything else to Allah. I did it Diary. I am on track. Thank you Allah for making it happen. 


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