I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Stay for The Better, Perhaps

Dear Diary,

Just when I think that I have no hope in my job, things changed and that made me think twice about leaving my job. Yes, I have thought about it but a lot of things are holding me back. The company I work for is a public listed company. The colleagues are fun people although most of them are Filipinos. The monetary benefits are good although I am not entitled to full medical benefits. The location is perfect and honestly the office is conducive.

If there is one thing that I hate about my job, it would be my job scope. Sales and numbers come together. I hate having to meet numbers everyday. The pressures that I got from my superiors are simply too much for me. There are many flaws in my department. Mostly come from the Manager. We have this ever changing policies and regulations. It makes me sick. I am doing good this week. It probably due to the good leads they give me. I am just waiting for the days when only the good ones get the best leads. I don't know if I want to stay or not Diary. I am puzzled.

A lof of the locals have left for better prospects. I am waiting for things. I don't know what but I will wait until I cannot anymore.

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