I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, September 15, 2013

My Dreams Keep Me Alive

Dear Diary,

Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise. I am doing it alone for the first time (well although I was not totally alone actually). I went to JB to visit my car and I drove my car for a short distance. It was a good thing I paid attention to the directions when I had someone to drive me around back then. You know how bad I am at directions. Things are good so far. I had YP to accompany me to JB. It was a simple outing but we enjoyed it especially her.

This friend of mine YP, she is my old colleague at the warehouse I used to work. Nobody likes her. She is always being bullied. You know what kind of environment the warehouse had don't you Diary. I did not bully her neither did I stand up for her. I suppose I just minded my own business there. I kept in touch with her. We were lunch partners. I think she felt comfortable with me and vice versa.

So I asked her if she wanted to come along. She did and we had a good time. I drove her around in my car. She said my car is big and good. I smiled and when I was driving my car, I was so happy that I did not want to leave her. I knew I had to. I simply have to wait until the time I can drive her again. To go back to Subang Jaya again may take me another five years from now. But I know I will someday. I have plans and I am working on it. I am going to make it Diary regardless I am alone or with someone. Right now, I may be alone but I am not lonely because I know I have my dreams. My dreams keep me alive.   

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