I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Waiting Is A Torture

Dear Diary,

Waiting is a torture. I am in the midst of writing a business proposal. It is not really that easy is it? I hope my friend does not change his mind when he reads it. And I hope I am shortlisted to receive the government grant for start up when I present it to them. This is my original plan since I came back from KL. I always put it off until today. 

Well, the original plan was to open a nasi campur stall. It was a different product and I was scared. Nasi campur requires lots of expertise and manpower. The product I am thinking now requires less manpower and skills.

The proposal is 50% done. There are still lots of things to write and to think about. I got a letter from HDB yesterday. My housing grant is $15k. I am happy about it, at least that helps to pay off the deposit.  

I am actively chatting with Kajol for the past few days. Don't ask me why. It is probably because she needs the emotional support and I need the motivation. We have been friends since 2006 and we are still friends after all those years. I have known her since she was a law student and today, she is a practising lawyer. 

She had just lost her father recently. I probably feel what she feels but I am not really sure if it is the same. I wonder if losing a father feels the same like losing a brother. I feel sorry for her and if I were there, I probably would sit by her side without saying anything to her. You know, just to make her feel that there is someone who cares.

She is 31 years old now and I can see the woman in her. The thing about old friend is you watch her aged. You can spot the difference in her looks and in her character. I have always like making conversations with her because she is intelligent. Having been a top student in her school, that explains her eloquence. It is easy to talk with her. I do not need to try hard to make her understand. And most importantly, she does not make me wait. She probably knows too that waiting is a torture.

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