I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, September 17, 2015

It Is Probably The Haze

Dear Diary,

I think I am going to be sick. It must be the haze. My body feels feverish and I have started coughing. I took panadols and have been drinking lots of water. I fast today and cooked myself maggi curry to break my fast. It is totally different when mum is around. If she knows I am fasting, she will definitely cook for me. I am missing my parents so much. I wish I could just go there and live with them. It is so difficult to feel this way because this house used to be cheerful and noisy but without my parents, it is quiet. It is so quiet I could hear myself breathing.

I am writing to you from my phone and pardon me if the paragraphs are not aligned properly. I am lying down as I type and I am feeling sleepy, tired, sad and sick. I need to rest more and with the haze...it makes everything worst. My life is as hazy as the sky now. Good night Diary.

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