I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Stories In My Path...

Dear Diary,

I received a phone call from Pumpkin this morning telling me that she was with Hanny. When she mentioned Hanny, I paused for awhile. I tried recalling which Hanny she was referring to when it just occured to me that it was my car she was referring to. Hanny did not have any problem to start. I was not surprised because I have left Hanny many times on her own when I was away and never had any problems starting her whenever I came back. That is why I am always proud of Hanny and have always love her more than myself. She has never let me down Diary and she is the reason why I am happy. Pumpkin told me that she felt tempted to drive Hanny around the car park and I allowed her to do so. Pumpkin deserves to feel how Hanny is like and Hanny also deserves to be driven around. I hope the two can get along fine and will compliment each other. *Grins*

How are you Diary? I have been thinking of you but I just do not know what to write to you. My life in Singapore has progress moderately. I am building my career from scratch and I have to start everything from zero. There will be a lot of changes in my life. When the selling process of this house is done, I will move to a new house in a new environment. I can see that I will be busy in the near future as our first appointment with the Housing Development Board is on the first week of May and by then, I have probably started the full launch of my career and also I will have my hands tied to packing, moving, unpacking and organising the new house. I am sure I will not be able to write to you during those times. I hope you understand Diary.

Oh, by the way it looks like I will eventually be having the house in Subang all to myself.  Paranoid text me yesterday with news that she might have to give up her tenancy in April if she is still unable to find a job by March. She did not tell me more but by reading between the lines I knew she might have dried up her savings. She has been unemployed for almost five months now. Her source of income for the five months came mainly from her savings which she boasted to me could last her for six months without employment. I did not try to talk her to stay neither did I try to sound happy knowing the fact there is a possibility that I will be the queen of the house soon. I did not want to get too excited for a news that is still uncertain. Moreover, she will only give up the tenancy if she is not able to find herself an employer by March which is just around the corner. I let her know that I am open to whatever decision she will make and I will refund her deposit a month later ater she leaves the house officially.

It seems to me that I have to have lots and lots of cash by May. If Paranoid is really leaving in April, I will have to refund her deposit in May and it is also in May that I have to renew Hanny's road tax and insurance. Oh Diary, this is really stressful, as if they cannot take a number and come knocking on my door one at a time. Everything seems to come all at one time putting my endurance and perseverence at test. I supposed it is not going to be a smooth sailing on my birthday in 2010 afterall. Perhaps this is a gift from God to knock some sense of factuality into my indistinct visionary frenzied self and mind. Whatever it is, I am ready and hopeful of everything that will come in my path.

I have talked a lot with Gummy Bear since I came back to Singapore. She is having some relationship problems and I supposed she needs a friend more than she needs money now. I can imagine how she feels right now. I have been there in her shoes and there is nothing more soothing and comforting than a friend who is willing to sit next to you listening to your predicaments without saying anything at all. She was there when I was in those days. Presently, I only think that I must pay it back to her for whatever she has done for me when I was down. I feel that it is just my responsibilities to make sure she knows that she is not alone. I do admit that most of the times, I talked to her roughly about the situations but I supposed my intentions were nothing but merely real, honest and heartfelt. I am sure I did not sound sympathy at all but one thing for sure I sound genuine. I hope she realises that I only mean to be truthful.

Diary, I sent letters to Flying Babe yesterday. I included my drawing in the letters and I cannot wait to receive her text message on what she thinks of the drawing. Writing to her is like a theraphy for me. Everytime I draw, I would laugh at it and that helps heal my long for her. I tell her stories of my life and how I have progress. It is just pure writing you know. She told me that when she reads my letters she feels like she is in the movie, P.S, I Love You. I do not really know what she meant but I refuse to dwell on it. All I want is to write her stories because she enjoys reading written letters. She admits that she is a bit of an old-fashioned girl but I just thought that it is because of that, that I was and still am, erotically attracted to her. I would describe her as simple but spicy, natural yet stirring, however plain she is, she is pleasingly sensual. Although innocent but on the contrary there is a sprinkle of mild sophistication in her.

I have to go now Diary. I will write again. Wish me luck in my undertakings.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Please Wait...I am fixing The Setbacks.

Dear Diary,

I spent my time working yesterday and after awhile, I distracted myself surfing at some of the more established real estate firms. I noticed that most of them offer a minimum of eighty hours of theory and practical lessons to newly registered agents. They conduct the training themselves and agents have to sit for examinations and pass them before qualifying as one.

These examinations are of course recognized and endorsed by the authorities. The fee for the examinations is refundable after you have hit your first commission. The systems are all the same to me except that the agency I am with offers much more shorter hours of training with a fee way cheaper than others. However frankly, it is really insufficient because the training was conducted like as if we were attending a three hour group study which gave no time for practical lessons.

I only managed to grasped a few important tips and points during the training. I did not manage to digest everything let alone carrying out the practical duties of an agent. I then realised that when you pay peanuts you really will get yourself a monkey. *chuckles* I cannot help but to wonder how the other trainees are doing. I never realised that there are so many paperworks, procedures and protocols to meet. I supposed I really have to learn how to swim on my own or I just have to register with a more established agency that provides sufficient trainings of theories and practicals and also personal coaching and guidance. What do you think Diary? Never mind, I will figure it out somehow. I hope. *Grins*

Have I told you the story of Minah Rempit appearing in my dream? It was a funny dream that I have had of her. It was short but comical. There was a costume party we had to attend. We were shopping for a costume for her and we finally chose a rabbit's costume. In my dream, she tried the costume on. There was not much fur on the costume. It consists of a white underwear and a white brassiere laced with white fur. And she also wore this headband that has been decorated with a pair of ears of a rabbit. Can you imagine it Diary? On top of that she painted her nose red. After she tried it on, she liked it and she told me 'Ahh, yang ni bolehlah...'

I just stood beside her like a statue when she told me that, thinking to myself I wouldn't wear something like that even for fun. I woke up after that and I saw Hang Jebat staring at me. It was eight in the morning. I was rather surprised to see him in my room. He is always timid even though he is big physically. As I leaned over to touch him, he ran.

You know Diary, I have been up early almost every day when I am in Singapore. It is probably the environment. It is different when you live with your family than on your own. Everybody knows that I supposed. When you live with your family, you always have someone that looks over your shoulder and that makes you be on your toes most of the times. I do not take afternoon naps anymore and I go to bed on time. I am probably slowly getting accustomed to my old habits that I broke after I moved to Malaysia or I simply have learnt the importance of self discipline. I cannot tell you what I feel about this whole thing of moving back to Singapore. I have no clue what my heart feels now. I am a bit lost actually, trying to find my way back. I often have difficulties falling asleep. I will toss and turn and usually it takes me about two hours before I could fall asleep. I know I cannot lie to my heart but this is the reality. You cannot have your cake and eat it sometimes. Things will not go your way even if you bleed for them.

I went to my cousin sister's engagement last Sunday and I faced another gruelling question and answer session of my presence in Singapore by my uncles, aunties and cousins. It was so mind blowing. It was not that bad if I do not have to think of my parents before answering them but I have to and that makes it difficult. If I allow my boldness to take control of it, I am sure I am going to lose my relatives. Yes, I did not come back with a law degree. After almost five years of living away, I came back empty handed. I supposed that is why I cannot tell what my heart feels right now. The look they gave me, yes I know that look. No degree, no money, no business, no love, no hope and no glory. There is no denying that I am the most unsuccessful niece of my uncles and aunties. *Chuckles*

I let them think what they want to think Diary. I know that life moves like the wheels. It spins and it stops, what goes up will eventually comes down and vice versa. At this point of my life, I cannot help myself from thinking of Flying Babe, Rolly Polly, Gummy Bear, Broken Angel, Pumpkin, Hippo, Dark Chocolate, my late brother, my mother and father. The thought of them put a smile on my face at least. It lifts up a little bit of that fighting spirit in me. No, I do not dwell on my failures, I just embrace them.

If I may just say one word to them, I would perhaps say, "Wait" because I think my life would make a great TV movie. It even has the part where they say, "Stand by. We are experiencing temporary difficulties."

Monday, February 22, 2010

It Is Not That Easy...

Dear Diary,

There are just so many untold stories that I have in me that I do not know where to begin. Many things happened since I am back in Singapore. Some are family related since I am living under the same roof with them. In fact most of them are. I am having all these long distance friendships with all my friends again. It brought me back to the old days. I am keeping in touch with them mostly with my phone and what else if not the internet. Nowadays, distance is not a major problem anymore to maintain a friendship.

Have I told you that I bought yet another phone again? Yes, I did and now I can use my Maxis and Singtel sim cards both on the same phone. It makes things easier for me. I do not have to carry two phones wherever I go now. The good thing is, I always get 75 global sms free daily and 30 local sms free daily. With 75 free global sms daily, I make full use of it sending messages to my friends in Malaysia even when I ran out of things to say to them to the extent of sending blank messages. I laugh at my silliness and so do them.

I am counting the days I have been away from Subang Jaya and it makes me even more eager to go back there. I miss my car, my friends and my clothes. I can see that I have to give myself some time before I am able to get the hang of it. I still have to bring back my clothes to Singapore. I could use lots of them here but not the whole wardrobe though.

Have I told you that my house is sold? Yes, we sold the house with our first valuation and that shows how good the property market is doing in Singapore right now. However, the government is taking steps to control the industry from booming even further to avoid, oh geez..what do you call that in economics? Shoot...I forgot it. But you know, too much of something is bad so the government is controlling that. We are looking for a house but not so actively. House shopping is not so easy too you know. I hate all these actually. I wish we do not have to move since I am so comfortable in this house. My brother died in this house you know. Well, do not get me wrong. I am not the superstitious type but this house has many fond memories of him until the day he died. I hate the idea of selling this house but I have to keep it to myself because of circumstances that surround my family.

Diary, I have started on my freelance job. I am not sure if I have chosen the right real estate agency. This one seems rather easy. I mean, I got the in-house training but I do not get any one-to-one guidance. The in-house training is insufficient anyway. Nevertheless, I always believe in self taught system to be the best of what you do. You learn from your own experience. I got the listings from them and I have to do almost everything from there. It involves a lot of paperworks and you know how I hate paperworks. I supposed that is why I never finished law school and ended up as a food stall operator in a food court doing or rather trying one business after another.

The Chinese always said, never fight in a battle when you know you cannot win. I knew I could not win in my battle for a law degree but I knew and I still know I can win in my battle to be a successful business woman. So here I am Diary...once again drawing out plans, strategies and a system to follow. I suppose I still have to wait. I know what I want and I know the weight I have on my shoulders.

I still write to some of my friends and I still do to Flying Babe too. Writing to them somewhat makes me feel close to them. There is one who has stopped writing to me for whatever reasons I dare not speculate. Perhaps I have pushed her button and she has found me rude and bold. I wish I could turn back the time but I cannot and so I will move on with the short memories I have of  her. Sipping this white coffee brought me back to the days when a spontaneous short email turned into a series of email exchanges that put smile on my face and perhaps made my heart jumped a little. The excitement I felt was like a kid getting a new toy to play and to keep. In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. I have thought I could make a friend out of it but I probably screwed up like I always do.

Close friends have told me that I might die a lonely woman when I grow old because of my boldness. Perhaps...they are right but who are we to say? We are only humans with flaws hoping to be accepted the way we are because we are not good at pretending and putting up a false front. We prefer to be original at the expense of being misunderstood. And how we wish we could just say to people that they may have got on the wrong side of us and we are sorry that things have to turn out this way or that. Either way we still want to be accepted and not being forgotten. We hope against hope not to be misunderstood and be forgiven but it is never easy for forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Am Too Sleepy To Write...

Dear Diary,

I miss writing to you. I am too busy nowadays. My house in Singapore is sold and we are looking for a new house to live. Diary, I forgot to post a letter today. It has been with me for a week. I should have posted it earlier. I will have to do it on Monday.

Diary...I am tired now. I am sorry. I will write again ok. I promise you. Take care Diary.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blessed The Unsung Heroes...

Dear Diary,

I was about to go to sleep last night when I received a phone call from my brother. He informed me that my cousin brother was unconcious in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He collapsed while playing futsal. The minute I heard the news I froze and put myself in his wife's shoes. I can imagine how she felt at that time. With a newborn baby and a toddler in the family, I prayed hard he was going to be fine. When I hung up the phone, I woke my dad up and told him of the news. Well Diary, you should have known my dad by now and you can imagine the questions he threw me about the news like as if I knew about it first hand. I almost lost my temper at him but I tried to keep my cool and explained to him that I did not know anything about it except the fact that he collapsed while plying futsal and the paramedics in the ambulance were trying to revive him.

You see Diary, that is the thing about dad. He likes asking questions too much without thinking. I will give you a scenario, imagine a phonecall at home. You pick it up and the minute you start talking, he will look at you and ask you with his body language who is that calling. He will engage eye contact with you and will demand silently who is on the other side of the phone persistently. The best thing is, he does it obliviously.

When you hang up, he would ask you all the questions that you find are not necessary for him to know because the phone call was not for him! Ironically, dad does not find that in favour of him. He would ask, who was that, what does he want, which friend of my brother is he, followed by a million more questions that would really test your patience. On top of that, he is hard of hearing big time and that adds on to the miseries. It is not a joke Diary, it happens too many times in our family that it drives almost everyone up the wall. The only persons that can tolerate my dad inquisitive behaviour was my late elder brother and my youngest brother. But they are gone now and it seems to me that I am having the highest level of tolerance now.

Apparently my cousin brother had regained consciousness and he was warded in the hospital. He was diagnosed with extreme allergic to excessive sweating and the reaction of the allergy blocked his breathing passage. It made his breathing passage constraint. It is weird but true. When you talk about allergies it is always about consumable products. This is my first time hearing such allergy. I cannot imagine myself having that kind of allergy. I will probably go bonkers. Almost all my hobbies require me to sweat and yes, I sweat excessively. Who wouldn't sweat when they go mountain climbing, junggle trekking, roller blading and any other sports? The only hobby of mine that does not make me sweat is writing.

You know Diary, this cousin brother of mine, let's just call him Poppeye. Poppeye has always known to be thin and inactive in sports. He just does not measure up to my siblings and I in terms of physical capabilities. When we were children, I recall how we used to play physical games and that how he always lost. I can easily beat him to a 50 meter dash race and he was much taller than I was back then. His single step would probably represent 1.5 step of mine. That's Poppeye, if you want to know about him more. Knowing him like a brother, I was not surprise he collapsed at the futsal game but I was surprised at the diagnosis the doctor gave him. Deep down inside my heart I was also afraid if he hadn't regained his consciousness. He was very close to my late brother like blood. Since they were young, they have always been together and they shared same hobbies, friends, favourite hang outs and even dreams until the day my brother died. When my brother passed away, it was a year later after Poppeye's dad passed on. Poppeye had lost two closest persons in his life.

It is certainly not easy for a person to lose loved ones consecutively in a row. Everytime I look at him, I will remember my late brother, having him around always makes me feel for my late brother. It just soothes me you know. It is hard to explain Diary, you will only understand when you are in my shoes. No one can ever replaced your loss, but it helps to have someone that will ease your long for your loss. It was a matter of life and death when he collapsed. Hadn't anyone had given him CPR, he could have died or probably be a vegetable for life when there is no oxygen to his brain. It was a good thing that everyone involved was alert and knew what had to be done and did it responsibly. It was a good thing that the paramedics arrived quickly. May all the unsung heroes that saved my cousin be blessed.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

They Are All Leaving Me...

Dear Diary,

The longer I spend my time in Singapore, the longer I feel motivated and inspired. I supposed that is because I see my parents almost every hour. I watch them leave home everyday to work just so we could have food on the table to eat. It is not as if my family is poor or money is hard for us but this is the reality in Singapore. Dad is already at the retirement age but his company is still in need of his service hence, he is still employed while mum has another two years to go. Nevertheless my parents will retire in two years time and that allows me to make the necessary arrangements for them to retire comfortably in Tangkak.

You know Diary, people as old as seventy are still working here because living in Singapore has made us somewhat workaholics. One common reason for that is likely because of poor financial planning or they are just working because they are still able bodied. You will see this especially among the Chinese. They are probably the most hardworking race I have ever come across. I guess growing up here and being surrounded by them motivate and inspire me to work even harder. It is not that I want to make money my master but working hard at an early age and with good financial plannings such as insurance and investments promise comfortable life when you are old. Living comfortably is what I am after and perhaps everybody else.

I had a couple of talks with my brother and by reading between the lines I can tell he will perhaps leave Singapore for the States soon than he planned. I do not think dad has known about this but I shall let him break the news to dad himself. I have just had enough of tolerating since I came back. Do not get me wrong Diary, I still have not comprehend the reasons behind his decision to work in the States. There are not many of us left in the family, they are just him and me. He is the eldest son and so what was he thinking? Yeah sure, he will send money to mum and dad but most of the times, in reality, deep down inside a parent's heart is the yearn for the physical presence of their children than dough. I am more dissapointed than angry with his decision. The minute he broke the news to me, I felt like talking him down, knock some bloody sense into his metrosexual brain so he could see the real picture with better clarity.

I wouldn't mind if it is Malaysia he wants to go to since my parents will be retiring there anyway but we are talking about the States that is a million miles away from the home country. He had been away in Britain for three years and Germany for a couple of months and now he wants to go away to the States to become what, a cowboy?? Geeezzz...I don't understand that man!

Nevermind Diary, I will take full responsibility of my parents. I will be there at their beck and call, I will submit to their demands and making their wish my commands. Wow...did I sound like a superwoman to you or did I simply imagine I am one? Well, it doesn't matter because I know I will do anything and everything for my parents. It doesn't hurt.

You know, talking about my brother going away reminds me of Dark Chocolate. Did you know that she was back to KL a week ago and I met up with her? She has since returned back to London for good this time. She has got her working visa approved and she will be there for probably two years I think. I plan to pey her a visit this December but I have to see how I am doing at the new freelance job I just secured. I am confident about its prospects but I do not want to be too optimistics about it all. Afterall, it is business and there are potentials for good and bad.

Do you want to know how I met Dark Chocolate for the first time Diary? It was so silly and I think you would regard me as someone crazy. I met her when I was 24 I think. I took the earliest bus from Singapore to Puduraya and arrived there at 12 noon. We went for lunch at the Hainanese Chicken Rice shop in Jalan Bukit Bintang, window shopping and had coffee to talk. I went back to Singapore on that same day at 5 in the afternoon. Can you believe that Diary? I am laughing and shaking my head in disbelieve as I am telling you this. I swear I will never do that again. I do not have to anyway. I have graduated out of those days. You know she told me when I met her last week? She said that I am her friend that she will always talk to when she needs an ear and I will also be the friend that she will tell her whereabouts if she decides to go missing out of distress. I looked her in the eyes when she told me that and she looked back at me. At that point of time, I felt a slight sigh in my heart that she is ultimately leaving not only Malaysia but she is also leaving me. I cannot deny that I am happy for her because she has finally gotten her dreams to come true but I am also sad for having a good friend made out of online chatting eight years ago leaving on a jet plane to a far away country that is so many many stones throw away.

It is difficult to describe what we feel for each other. We have this love hate relationship. She seems to understands me and know what tick me. She said that I always want people to agree with me and when people do not, I will get annoyed with them and I will sulk. I tried denying that fact but I supposed she knew me inside out. She just laughed at me when I tried denying that and I couldn't stop myself from laughing too. Silly me. Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty and can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself. I will surely miss her because she lives in Subang Jaya too and she is just a phonecall away if I needed any help.

When she is gone now, I knew I have one less good friend within the same vicinity of where I live for comfort and pure friendship because she is a friend of mind. She gathers me. The pieces I am, she gathers them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind. Hey Dark Chocolate, may you be embrace with happiness,serenity, tranquility and safety wherever she is.

Friday, February 12, 2010

I Ended The Life of My Mobile Phone....

Dear Diary,

I am so sleepy already but I do not want to postpone writing to you. There are just so many stories waiting to be written. They are interesting and I want you to know about them. I woke up at 9am and I took my shower and went out to Cold Storage to buy groceries for mother. She planned to cook chicken curry for her friend as a gift for the Chinese New Year. Mother happens to work in the morning shift and so I had to help her buy the groceries so she wouldn’t have to rush.

I got ready in a hurry because I have an appointment at 1pm today and I did not want to be late for it. I knew I had to leave home by 1130am to be early for the appointment. I walked to Northpoint and got there at 930am. I hurriedly shopped for the items mother had asked me to buy and quickly made it home. I took the bus home. When I got home, I peeled the skin of the potatoes and I cleaned the chicken. I cut the onions and garlic and when everything is done I started to get ready for the appointment. I felt like showering again but I did not. Time was very crucial to me at that time. I left home at 1130am. I got to the train station at 1150am and took the North East train. To my surprise I was way too early for the appointment. I got to the place at 1230pm and I was thinking what I was going to do. But nevertheless, it is always better to be three hours too early than one minute too late.

The appointment was very fruitful and I got myself a position in the company. It is a freelance post with lucrative income and that is enough for me. With the new job at hand and with the prospects it promises, I have become a little bit more confident of where I want to take it from here.

After the appointment, I was supposed to meet up with Hippo but things are so difficult when both of us are not contactable. My handphone broke and I felt so handicapped. It was difficult to communicate when you are on the go. I had to look for a public telephone to call Hippo. I just realized how different it is nowadays. Almost everybody including lower primary students own a mobile phone that made public telephone become so unpopular. Right from the train, everybody was busy with their mobile phones and mp3. When I took the train this afternoon, I felt strange because I just saw myself 5 years ago before I moved to Malaysia.

That is how I was, earphones stuck in my ear and my focus was on my mobile phone. It is so typical of Singaporeans. They either focus their attentions on a book, papers, mobile phones or PSP when they travel on public transport. Looking at them brought me back to those days. I do not know if I am glad or sad to be back. One thing for sure, I felt a sudden reluctance when I left Subang Jaya for Singapore last Sunday. It is hard to explain. I know I will not be leaving Subang Jaya for good, I will still be going back there but knowing that I will not be spending more time there anymore saddens me.

After numerous failed attempts to contact Hippo from the public phone, I gave up and walked back to the train station. I passed a mobile phone shop and could not resist the cheap offers. I am badly in need of a phone. Being reachable by mobile phone is essential with the new job. I stopped outside the shop and asked myself, do I just buy one here or wait till I get back to Subang next month. I do not think I can afford to do that. So I indulge myself to a new mobile phone. It is not a fancy one but it will do me good until I hit my first sales target and I will probably indulge myself to a bigger, better deal.

Do you know how my phone got broken Diary? It was so silly of me. I dropped the phone many times. You know it was new too don’t you? It has this dual sim cards function which I like very much. I can use my Singapore and Malaysia number on the same phone. The functions still work but the battery just refuses to charge. The battery died, I tried to charge it up but it couldn’t work. There was no way I can make it work, so I thought. I was already at my wits end and it really drove me up the wall. I threw it hard against the wall many times with full force until the LCD screen broke. As if that was not enough to satisfy me, I took a hammer and smashed it. I was so angry at it. I was irritated and annoyed.

If only I could explain the frustrations I had to endure. It was the only phone I brought with me to Singapore and when it failed on me, imagine how I felt. I need it for my job, without the phone it is as good as not having the job. Furthermore, I am using two numbers and when the phone broke, I am so uncontactable. All my contacts are gone with the phone. Get what I mean? You simply cannot expect me to go back to Subang Jaya to get my extra phone and you cannot just simply think it is easy for me to buy a new phone, I have earned in RM and to buy a phone in SGD, you have got to be kidding me Diary.

The only fault with the phone was that; it refuses to get charge up. The circuit probably has malfunctioned. It was stupid of me, I could have just waited and let it be. The phone was still in good physical condition though. But you know, I was not thinking straight at that point of time anyway. My frustrations got the better of me. 

Oh never mind Diary, at least I felt good when I smashed it. I felt some kind of satisfaction that transfer out all the bad energy in me. Do I make any sense Diary? I am like a zombie now typing to you. My eyes can close any minute from now.

I think I better sign off now.

Bye Diary. I love you. Will write again.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stories I will Tell...

Dear Diary,

I have been thinking about you. I wonder how you are and if you have been thinking about me like how I have about you. It has been awhile since I last wrote. I have been in Subang Jaya and there was not much time that I can spare for you. I planned to come back to Singapore last Wednesday but I had to change my plan.

We sold a few kebaya and managed to have one registered agent with us on Saturday so that explains why I had to stay longer in Subang. I packed some of my clothes to bring them back to Singapore and I cleaned my room since I will be long gone. I changed my bed sheet, pillow cases and did my laundry. I spent most of my time cleaning, packing and organizing my stuffs. The move back to Singapore is final but I will not leave everything behind. I will still keep the car and the house because I do have to come back to Subang twice or thrice a month. It is just that I have to spend more time in Singapore making money. People say, make hay while the sun still shines. That is what I am going to do. I will take advantage of the currency exchange rate. The company in Malaysia will grow with the funds from Singapore. I have planned out everything, what is left to do is the execution of the plans. I am all so excited to see the company grow. Imagine this Diary, from a newborn baby to a crawling baby and to a toddler. That is the first phase. Watch it grow Diary and enjoy the show. I will not disappoint you. This I promise you.

Gummy Bear fetched me from Holiday Villa on Sunday and we went dinner. She spent the rest of the evening in my house talking, laughing and watching dvd. I like spending time with her because I see that she is honest and pure, get what I mean Diary? There is something about her that makes her adorable. When I speak, she listens and she understands even though she may be gullible and asks silly questions sometimes. It is her innocence that makes me feel so attached to her. I like teasing her because her laughter is contagious and it just makes me feel happy.

I met up with Rolly Polly and had serious honest talk with her. Both of us have mellowed down from the dosage of reality. I supposed after awhile everything sinks in at the right place and that makes us more human instead of inhumane for giving comments. Sometimes, I laughed at ourselves discreetly after realizing how silly we have been. It is just so comical to think about it. We have decided that we will drop the Franchise offer we have got. I will not commit to it neither will she. However, we have other projects in our minds. Like I said earlier, we are at the execution stage.

I met up with Dark Chocolate while I was there to return her back the modem. I have terminated my Maxis Broadband. We went dinner and we talked a lot. We recalled how we first met ten years ago. It was all so sentimental because we will not be seeing each other for long since she will be leaving for London again for good. I also met up with Pumpkin and had very brief but meaningful talk with her. I passed her my car keys and she will be responsible to taking care of my car. I dreamt of Flying Babe and I also dreamt of Minah Rempit. Geezz...I have so many stories to tell.

Oh Diary, there are so many to write but I have to pray before I miss it. Catch you again tonight. Love you.