I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, February 14, 2010

They Are All Leaving Me...

Dear Diary,

The longer I spend my time in Singapore, the longer I feel motivated and inspired. I supposed that is because I see my parents almost every hour. I watch them leave home everyday to work just so we could have food on the table to eat. It is not as if my family is poor or money is hard for us but this is the reality in Singapore. Dad is already at the retirement age but his company is still in need of his service hence, he is still employed while mum has another two years to go. Nevertheless my parents will retire in two years time and that allows me to make the necessary arrangements for them to retire comfortably in Tangkak.

You know Diary, people as old as seventy are still working here because living in Singapore has made us somewhat workaholics. One common reason for that is likely because of poor financial planning or they are just working because they are still able bodied. You will see this especially among the Chinese. They are probably the most hardworking race I have ever come across. I guess growing up here and being surrounded by them motivate and inspire me to work even harder. It is not that I want to make money my master but working hard at an early age and with good financial plannings such as insurance and investments promise comfortable life when you are old. Living comfortably is what I am after and perhaps everybody else.

I had a couple of talks with my brother and by reading between the lines I can tell he will perhaps leave Singapore for the States soon than he planned. I do not think dad has known about this but I shall let him break the news to dad himself. I have just had enough of tolerating since I came back. Do not get me wrong Diary, I still have not comprehend the reasons behind his decision to work in the States. There are not many of us left in the family, they are just him and me. He is the eldest son and so what was he thinking? Yeah sure, he will send money to mum and dad but most of the times, in reality, deep down inside a parent's heart is the yearn for the physical presence of their children than dough. I am more dissapointed than angry with his decision. The minute he broke the news to me, I felt like talking him down, knock some bloody sense into his metrosexual brain so he could see the real picture with better clarity.

I wouldn't mind if it is Malaysia he wants to go to since my parents will be retiring there anyway but we are talking about the States that is a million miles away from the home country. He had been away in Britain for three years and Germany for a couple of months and now he wants to go away to the States to become what, a cowboy?? Geeezzz...I don't understand that man!

Nevermind Diary, I will take full responsibility of my parents. I will be there at their beck and call, I will submit to their demands and making their wish my commands. Wow...did I sound like a superwoman to you or did I simply imagine I am one? Well, it doesn't matter because I know I will do anything and everything for my parents. It doesn't hurt.

You know, talking about my brother going away reminds me of Dark Chocolate. Did you know that she was back to KL a week ago and I met up with her? She has since returned back to London for good this time. She has got her working visa approved and she will be there for probably two years I think. I plan to pey her a visit this December but I have to see how I am doing at the new freelance job I just secured. I am confident about its prospects but I do not want to be too optimistics about it all. Afterall, it is business and there are potentials for good and bad.

Do you want to know how I met Dark Chocolate for the first time Diary? It was so silly and I think you would regard me as someone crazy. I met her when I was 24 I think. I took the earliest bus from Singapore to Puduraya and arrived there at 12 noon. We went for lunch at the Hainanese Chicken Rice shop in Jalan Bukit Bintang, window shopping and had coffee to talk. I went back to Singapore on that same day at 5 in the afternoon. Can you believe that Diary? I am laughing and shaking my head in disbelieve as I am telling you this. I swear I will never do that again. I do not have to anyway. I have graduated out of those days. You know she told me when I met her last week? She said that I am her friend that she will always talk to when she needs an ear and I will also be the friend that she will tell her whereabouts if she decides to go missing out of distress. I looked her in the eyes when she told me that and she looked back at me. At that point of time, I felt a slight sigh in my heart that she is ultimately leaving not only Malaysia but she is also leaving me. I cannot deny that I am happy for her because she has finally gotten her dreams to come true but I am also sad for having a good friend made out of online chatting eight years ago leaving on a jet plane to a far away country that is so many many stones throw away.

It is difficult to describe what we feel for each other. We have this love hate relationship. She seems to understands me and know what tick me. She said that I always want people to agree with me and when people do not, I will get annoyed with them and I will sulk. I tried denying that fact but I supposed she knew me inside out. She just laughed at me when I tried denying that and I couldn't stop myself from laughing too. Silly me. Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty and can tell you things you don't want to tell yourself. I will surely miss her because she lives in Subang Jaya too and she is just a phonecall away if I needed any help.

When she is gone now, I knew I have one less good friend within the same vicinity of where I live for comfort and pure friendship because she is a friend of mind. She gathers me. The pieces I am, she gathers them and give them back to me in all the right order. It's good, you know, when you got a woman who is a friend of your mind. Hey Dark Chocolate, may you be embrace with happiness,serenity, tranquility and safety wherever she is.

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