I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blessed The Unsung Heroes...

Dear Diary,

I was about to go to sleep last night when I received a phone call from my brother. He informed me that my cousin brother was unconcious in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He collapsed while playing futsal. The minute I heard the news I froze and put myself in his wife's shoes. I can imagine how she felt at that time. With a newborn baby and a toddler in the family, I prayed hard he was going to be fine. When I hung up the phone, I woke my dad up and told him of the news. Well Diary, you should have known my dad by now and you can imagine the questions he threw me about the news like as if I knew about it first hand. I almost lost my temper at him but I tried to keep my cool and explained to him that I did not know anything about it except the fact that he collapsed while plying futsal and the paramedics in the ambulance were trying to revive him.

You see Diary, that is the thing about dad. He likes asking questions too much without thinking. I will give you a scenario, imagine a phonecall at home. You pick it up and the minute you start talking, he will look at you and ask you with his body language who is that calling. He will engage eye contact with you and will demand silently who is on the other side of the phone persistently. The best thing is, he does it obliviously.

When you hang up, he would ask you all the questions that you find are not necessary for him to know because the phone call was not for him! Ironically, dad does not find that in favour of him. He would ask, who was that, what does he want, which friend of my brother is he, followed by a million more questions that would really test your patience. On top of that, he is hard of hearing big time and that adds on to the miseries. It is not a joke Diary, it happens too many times in our family that it drives almost everyone up the wall. The only persons that can tolerate my dad inquisitive behaviour was my late elder brother and my youngest brother. But they are gone now and it seems to me that I am having the highest level of tolerance now.

Apparently my cousin brother had regained consciousness and he was warded in the hospital. He was diagnosed with extreme allergic to excessive sweating and the reaction of the allergy blocked his breathing passage. It made his breathing passage constraint. It is weird but true. When you talk about allergies it is always about consumable products. This is my first time hearing such allergy. I cannot imagine myself having that kind of allergy. I will probably go bonkers. Almost all my hobbies require me to sweat and yes, I sweat excessively. Who wouldn't sweat when they go mountain climbing, junggle trekking, roller blading and any other sports? The only hobby of mine that does not make me sweat is writing.

You know Diary, this cousin brother of mine, let's just call him Poppeye. Poppeye has always known to be thin and inactive in sports. He just does not measure up to my siblings and I in terms of physical capabilities. When we were children, I recall how we used to play physical games and that how he always lost. I can easily beat him to a 50 meter dash race and he was much taller than I was back then. His single step would probably represent 1.5 step of mine. That's Poppeye, if you want to know about him more. Knowing him like a brother, I was not surprise he collapsed at the futsal game but I was surprised at the diagnosis the doctor gave him. Deep down inside my heart I was also afraid if he hadn't regained his consciousness. He was very close to my late brother like blood. Since they were young, they have always been together and they shared same hobbies, friends, favourite hang outs and even dreams until the day my brother died. When my brother passed away, it was a year later after Poppeye's dad passed on. Poppeye had lost two closest persons in his life.

It is certainly not easy for a person to lose loved ones consecutively in a row. Everytime I look at him, I will remember my late brother, having him around always makes me feel for my late brother. It just soothes me you know. It is hard to explain Diary, you will only understand when you are in my shoes. No one can ever replaced your loss, but it helps to have someone that will ease your long for your loss. It was a matter of life and death when he collapsed. Hadn't anyone had given him CPR, he could have died or probably be a vegetable for life when there is no oxygen to his brain. It was a good thing that everyone involved was alert and knew what had to be done and did it responsibly. It was a good thing that the paramedics arrived quickly. May all the unsung heroes that saved my cousin be blessed.

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