I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Please Wait...I am fixing The Setbacks.

Dear Diary,

I spent my time working yesterday and after awhile, I distracted myself surfing at some of the more established real estate firms. I noticed that most of them offer a minimum of eighty hours of theory and practical lessons to newly registered agents. They conduct the training themselves and agents have to sit for examinations and pass them before qualifying as one.

These examinations are of course recognized and endorsed by the authorities. The fee for the examinations is refundable after you have hit your first commission. The systems are all the same to me except that the agency I am with offers much more shorter hours of training with a fee way cheaper than others. However frankly, it is really insufficient because the training was conducted like as if we were attending a three hour group study which gave no time for practical lessons.

I only managed to grasped a few important tips and points during the training. I did not manage to digest everything let alone carrying out the practical duties of an agent. I then realised that when you pay peanuts you really will get yourself a monkey. *chuckles* I cannot help but to wonder how the other trainees are doing. I never realised that there are so many paperworks, procedures and protocols to meet. I supposed I really have to learn how to swim on my own or I just have to register with a more established agency that provides sufficient trainings of theories and practicals and also personal coaching and guidance. What do you think Diary? Never mind, I will figure it out somehow. I hope. *Grins*

Have I told you the story of Minah Rempit appearing in my dream? It was a funny dream that I have had of her. It was short but comical. There was a costume party we had to attend. We were shopping for a costume for her and we finally chose a rabbit's costume. In my dream, she tried the costume on. There was not much fur on the costume. It consists of a white underwear and a white brassiere laced with white fur. And she also wore this headband that has been decorated with a pair of ears of a rabbit. Can you imagine it Diary? On top of that she painted her nose red. After she tried it on, she liked it and she told me 'Ahh, yang ni bolehlah...'

I just stood beside her like a statue when she told me that, thinking to myself I wouldn't wear something like that even for fun. I woke up after that and I saw Hang Jebat staring at me. It was eight in the morning. I was rather surprised to see him in my room. He is always timid even though he is big physically. As I leaned over to touch him, he ran.

You know Diary, I have been up early almost every day when I am in Singapore. It is probably the environment. It is different when you live with your family than on your own. Everybody knows that I supposed. When you live with your family, you always have someone that looks over your shoulder and that makes you be on your toes most of the times. I do not take afternoon naps anymore and I go to bed on time. I am probably slowly getting accustomed to my old habits that I broke after I moved to Malaysia or I simply have learnt the importance of self discipline. I cannot tell you what I feel about this whole thing of moving back to Singapore. I have no clue what my heart feels now. I am a bit lost actually, trying to find my way back. I often have difficulties falling asleep. I will toss and turn and usually it takes me about two hours before I could fall asleep. I know I cannot lie to my heart but this is the reality. You cannot have your cake and eat it sometimes. Things will not go your way even if you bleed for them.

I went to my cousin sister's engagement last Sunday and I faced another gruelling question and answer session of my presence in Singapore by my uncles, aunties and cousins. It was so mind blowing. It was not that bad if I do not have to think of my parents before answering them but I have to and that makes it difficult. If I allow my boldness to take control of it, I am sure I am going to lose my relatives. Yes, I did not come back with a law degree. After almost five years of living away, I came back empty handed. I supposed that is why I cannot tell what my heart feels right now. The look they gave me, yes I know that look. No degree, no money, no business, no love, no hope and no glory. There is no denying that I am the most unsuccessful niece of my uncles and aunties. *Chuckles*

I let them think what they want to think Diary. I know that life moves like the wheels. It spins and it stops, what goes up will eventually comes down and vice versa. At this point of my life, I cannot help myself from thinking of Flying Babe, Rolly Polly, Gummy Bear, Broken Angel, Pumpkin, Hippo, Dark Chocolate, my late brother, my mother and father. The thought of them put a smile on my face at least. It lifts up a little bit of that fighting spirit in me. No, I do not dwell on my failures, I just embrace them.

If I may just say one word to them, I would perhaps say, "Wait" because I think my life would make a great TV movie. It even has the part where they say, "Stand by. We are experiencing temporary difficulties."

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