I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stories I will Tell...

Dear Diary,

I have been thinking about you. I wonder how you are and if you have been thinking about me like how I have about you. It has been awhile since I last wrote. I have been in Subang Jaya and there was not much time that I can spare for you. I planned to come back to Singapore last Wednesday but I had to change my plan.

We sold a few kebaya and managed to have one registered agent with us on Saturday so that explains why I had to stay longer in Subang. I packed some of my clothes to bring them back to Singapore and I cleaned my room since I will be long gone. I changed my bed sheet, pillow cases and did my laundry. I spent most of my time cleaning, packing and organizing my stuffs. The move back to Singapore is final but I will not leave everything behind. I will still keep the car and the house because I do have to come back to Subang twice or thrice a month. It is just that I have to spend more time in Singapore making money. People say, make hay while the sun still shines. That is what I am going to do. I will take advantage of the currency exchange rate. The company in Malaysia will grow with the funds from Singapore. I have planned out everything, what is left to do is the execution of the plans. I am all so excited to see the company grow. Imagine this Diary, from a newborn baby to a crawling baby and to a toddler. That is the first phase. Watch it grow Diary and enjoy the show. I will not disappoint you. This I promise you.

Gummy Bear fetched me from Holiday Villa on Sunday and we went dinner. She spent the rest of the evening in my house talking, laughing and watching dvd. I like spending time with her because I see that she is honest and pure, get what I mean Diary? There is something about her that makes her adorable. When I speak, she listens and she understands even though she may be gullible and asks silly questions sometimes. It is her innocence that makes me feel so attached to her. I like teasing her because her laughter is contagious and it just makes me feel happy.

I met up with Rolly Polly and had serious honest talk with her. Both of us have mellowed down from the dosage of reality. I supposed after awhile everything sinks in at the right place and that makes us more human instead of inhumane for giving comments. Sometimes, I laughed at ourselves discreetly after realizing how silly we have been. It is just so comical to think about it. We have decided that we will drop the Franchise offer we have got. I will not commit to it neither will she. However, we have other projects in our minds. Like I said earlier, we are at the execution stage.

I met up with Dark Chocolate while I was there to return her back the modem. I have terminated my Maxis Broadband. We went dinner and we talked a lot. We recalled how we first met ten years ago. It was all so sentimental because we will not be seeing each other for long since she will be leaving for London again for good. I also met up with Pumpkin and had very brief but meaningful talk with her. I passed her my car keys and she will be responsible to taking care of my car. I dreamt of Flying Babe and I also dreamt of Minah Rempit. Geezz...I have so many stories to tell.

Oh Diary, there are so many to write but I have to pray before I miss it. Catch you again tonight. Love you.

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