I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Missing My Car Passionately...

Dear Diary,

I have been meaning to write to you yesterday but the DLL files on my netbook might be corrupted thus I could not open my Microsoft Words. I am writing to you now from my laptop. It was a good thing that I brought back my laptop with me to Singapore. Otherwise you have to wait until I get the DLL files fixed on my netbook.

How are you? I am good here. I just came back from lunch with my family. We fetched mum from work and we went lunch after that. I had Nasi Ayam Penyet. It was a big portion and I did not finish it. I am still full from what I had during lunch and I think I might skip dinner. I still practice my policy of rice-once-a-day. I have not been jogging for a long time although I have been doing some cardio work outs since I came back here. I got to bring back my sport clothes, running shoes and so many more back here. I can imagine the travelling that I have to make to bring them back with the coach unless I can bring them back with a car, that would be my brother’s I supposed.
It is ironic that I cannot drive my car into Singapore. Do you know that a Singaporean is not allowed to drive a Malaysian registered car in Singapore Diary? The policy is to protect the economy of Singapore’s car dealers actually. If Singapore had not have such policy, many Singaporeans would have bought cars in Malaysia to keep since it is cheaper that way because of the currency exchange rate. I can imagine the traffic conditions and the roads here if that policy does not exist and how car dealers would complain of bad business. Talking about cars, I miss my car so much. I really do. It is a good car you know. It has very smooth engine and strong too. Its physical condition is almost excellent for a four year old car. Oh Diary, I wish I could drive back my car into Singapore but I can’t. This is sad. Having the car keeps me happy at least. I feel somewhat rejuvenated when I am behind the wheel. It is so good the feeling, you know.
Do you know that I have something from every woman that I love in that car? I have this toy woman warrior on the dashboard courtesy of Rolly Polly. Oh wait, come to think of it, I have two things in my car from Rolly Polly. The toy and a small paste-on-the-window pillow at the last row seats. I also have a compact disc organiser on the driver’s seat visor courtesy of Pumpkin. I have hooks on the seat courtesy of Gummy Bear. I have a soft toy gorilla hanging by the window courtesy of Dark Chocolate. I have a decoration pendant that hangs from the rear view mirror courtesy of Manhattan. I have this kangaroo sign on the window courtesy of Flying Babe. Since I bought this car after I broke up with Infinity, I do not have anything from her in this car, although I would love to because she used to be the woman whom I have loved no matter what happened between us. I have yet to ask Broken Angel for something for the car. Perhaps I can ask her to replace my seat cover with leather! We will see about that although I am sure she would not. *Winks*
I received a call from Dark Chocolate last night. She called me on my fixed line. She is back to Malaysia and we have arranged to meet on Monday. I have to pass her the Maxis modem because we are terminating it since I will not be needing it anymore. It is a good timing for us. Dark Chocolate is not back for good though. She will go back to London this April and she will be there for about two years she told me. I suppose she likes what she is doing now. I would say that she is brave enough to take the big leap in her life and gain experience working overseas regardless where it is. Working away from our motherland makes us grow wiser and become more independent. I plan to visit her late this year when I have settled every outstanding issue of mine. She promised me that I can share her bed with her. *Winks*
Oh Diary, the door bell just rang. Someone is at the door. I would love to write some more but I have to go. You take care now Diary. Love you.

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