I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Shut Up And Just Walk The Talk...

Dear Diary,

I supposed I know the reason why I have become disinterested with Rolly Polly. I have been asking myself why but I never could really point out the right answer until tonight. Do you remember what I wrote to you yesterday about my intentions to talk to her about the plans we have? I have spoken to her and I got some answers. Her answers are motivating and inspirational but it is still one sided, paying more attention on her interests. I supposed that came from her ego.

Diary, in case you have not known what is the plan for the company. It is actually taking up this franchise offer that we could get for the company. However, we have to go through some products and marketing trainings as one of the requirements to be eligible for this program. When we feel that we have grasped and digest enough knowledge from the training, a panel of three interviewers will interview us to see how qualified are we. Now Diary, since we want to have the shop in Malaysia, Rolly Polly has to undergo that interview session on behalf of the company since she is a Malaysian. Therefore, it all boils down on how good she performs in the interview and a few other factors, like franchise fees and a guarantor.

Before anything else, or shall I put it like this, before we can even dream (because I am a dreamer) of having the shop, certain criteria’s have to be met as mentioned above. We are both serious about this and we are taking small steps to ensure we will get it. However, another criterion to meet to qualify for the franchise scheme is that we must do it on a full time basis. Since they allow us to have the shop, we must at least show that we are committed in running the shop full time. I suppose most companies want full commitment from you when they want to give opportunities to you.

Here I am Diary figuring out about the future than the present. We have to come up with a franchise fee and a few other miscellaneous fees before we can qualify for the shop. The final stage that we have to pass is the interview. Thus, here is the story. Rolly Polly has made it clear to me that she will not be able to quit her job because she has many financial commitments to commit. In simple words, she cannot afford to take the risk of quitting first before seeing the result. I do not question neither have I disagreed with her. I just thought that she is afraid to take the big leap. It really takes a lot of guts, courage and strong will to give up your paid job to pursue business opportunities.

Therefore, the arrangement is for me to take care of the shop during the day in the weekdays and she will take care of it during the weekends and the evenings of weekdays. Rolly Polly will only quit her job after we receive our first income (although she did not say how much she is expecting), which can take as long as two months after we opened the shop. I am a natural worrier and I do think of the risks involved before I decided to pursue it further. Doing things without planning will create nothing but havoc especially in business. I may not be Donald Trump but I have had a fair share of business experiences of my own.

I cannot help myself from wondering about our working hours in a retail shop. I cannot simply take care of it alone because I may need to answer nature calls and I may need to eat during operation hours. The solution is for us to have a staff. To have a staff, we need to have cash reserves for the staff’s salary so that means the list of reasons of money we have to have to start this business has gone up by one.

Where money is concern, we need to have miscellaneous fee to open a franchise account, the franchise fee, reserves fund for employee’s salaries and reserves fund for own expenses until we get our first income.

Secondly, it is the operations part. I will come in at 10am and wait until Rolly Polly comes in the evening before I am able to leave. She leaves her office at 530pm and what time do you think she will get to the shop? Does she need to go home first, take her shower and change before coming to the shop? Alternatively, she will just come straight to the shop from her office. The shop closes at 10pm or probably later.

Thirdly, it is the working hours. Let us just talk about hers. She starts work at 830am and finishes at 530pm. Then she will continue working at the shop from whatever time she arrives until it closes and she will work a full 12 hours at the shop during the weekends. When will she ever have a time to rest? Of course, this will not be forever. It will just be for the first two months before we get our income. Nevertheless, what if the income is not up to our expectations or her expectations? Will she still quit her job? Moreover, not forgetting, if according to her, she will quit her job once she gets the first income from this program, which means she will have to tender her resignation letter a month or two months in advance before she can even see the monetary performance of the shop. Will she tender earlier?

I can go on talking about my visa status but I guess this is enough already. I believe to start a business is always easy but to maintain a business is difficult. If I may, I want to maintain this business forever. I will probably sound like a worrier or perhaps a dreamer because I ask too much questions when we have not qualified yet but most of the times, the worrier or the dreamer is the one who makes sure things go right.

Experience is the teacher of fools.

If she can post this on her Face book with so much confidence,

“I am never a dreamer.. If given a lazy chair and a window to stare out and daydream, I cannot do it. INstead I will be thinking about what actions to perform after this. I guess I am the action type and think lateer person..

“Buat dulu bagi jadi lepas itu baru pikir plans semasa membuatnyer. Ianya lebih productive dan menjimatkan masa. Its like learning on the job/task. Time is money. Every second's waste is pembaziran. Redah jer.. worry later. Aiyoo I am so like the Jason Mraz and hippie type...my motto is " don't worry, be Happy " hihihihih hohoho”

I wonder why does she tell me about her mortgage and car loans and whatsoever as reasons why she cannot quit her job yet if we make the grade? She probably thinks that she has me that is why she plans to quit only after the first income from the business. In that way, she is safe. Yes, she said safe probably because at the end of the month she will still have her salary to pay her mortgage, loans and bills regardless how the shop will perform. That is smart isn’t it Diary? It is all about saving oneself first than others. If I had not come into the picture, I really wonder if she will ever carry on with this plan on her own. In any case she is the one with the ‘redah aje, worry later’ manner, so to speak.

I am thought of a dreamer or a worrier when I ask too much questions before we even meet the criteria. I have no full time job with a basic salary, I live on my savings, and I have bills to pay, rent to pay and loans to service. If I run the shop and have to wait for my first pay cheque only after two months of operations, certainly I am concern of what I am going to survive on for those two months, who wouldn’t be? Unlike her, she still has her job to fall on because she will not quit her job immediately.

Most of the times, I feel that she assumes she is the only one with commitments in our company. In my opinion, she in all probability thinks she is cool with her self proclaimed statement boldly considers herself similar to Jason Mraz with that ‘redah aje’- worry later- action type- think later, kind of attitude. Perhaps I must challenge her to quit her job immediately if we qualify so that she knows what it feels like to be in my shoes. But I think I have already and no, she will not quit. She said it is not safe for her. It seems to me that safe is still the issue for her.

What she claims on her Face book, was it just another post that does not really reflect who she is. I supposed she probably wrote that post when she had let her fat self become enveloped with ego, as big as Kuala Lumpur International Airport and self-confidence as strong as a fake diamond; one knock of a hammer and she breaks.

I really do not mind working hard for a more humble, down to earth business partner because I know we are a team. Regardless of differences, we strive shoulder to shoulder but if she talks like that of herself after I posed questions that concerns me, I may need some more time to ponder. Would you like working together with someone who talks big only for herself but does not walk the talk? I do not appreciate that kind of character in a person.  

My major obligation is to be pragmatic and not to mistake slogans for solutions. Don’t worry be happy? Whatever you say, you silly hippie hippopotamus. hihihihihihihih hohohohoho

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