I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, January 14, 2010

More Than Just What Meet The Eyes...

Dear Diary,

As my business relationship grows older with Rolly Polly, I get annoyed and irritated by her more. It is always about the same thing, politics, the differences of our countries and our attitudes. It makes me wonder if I really can work with her. Whenever I get annoyed with her, I imagine myself giving her a punch in the face so hard that would disfigure her. Imagine a watermelon hit with a baseball bat. Yes Diary, it is like that. Isn’t it good if I can do that to her face while she is talking, stating out her facts and defending her stand with her shoddy facts? I felt very repulsive and if I can only puke in her face that would really made my day. *Feeling Ally McBeal*

I have never felt this way towards anyone before (not even Minah Rempit after what she has done to me), but only with her. I sometimes feel that I am too much and need to practice high level of tolerance but I do not think that is the problem since she is the only one out of my hundred friends that I have difficulty tolerating. I am not perfect and neither she is however, I simply cannot accept the way she always tries to manipulate her facts for her defenses. I find that appalling and revolting. Perhaps that is just how things are going to be between she and I. Either I love her or I hate her. I will choose the latter if I may.

Just about today, we had an almost heated rap session on the differences of our country. There she was, defending with all her might, with every kilowatt of her kinetic energy, every drop of her blood, every inch of her flesh and every beat of her heart, counter attack my opinions, bombarding me with her facts, justification, beliefs and defenses. And there and then, I realized that we were going to have another session of verbal fights if I were to counter attack her, so I remained quiet. I did not want to worsen things and I did not want to add fuel to an already existing blaze that would turn into inferno.

I used to remember how she had said that another country is far better and advanced than the country I came from when I commented on the inefficiencies of the facilities of the apartment I live in. Perhaps I sounded harsh in delivering my comment but she counter attacked that with a baseless fact. How could she know when at that time, she has not even been to my country as a tourist neither as a student nor as anybody? We have to know our facts or experience the facts before making a point; otherwise, we would just make a mockery out of ourselves.

And today, again when I said a piece of my mind she got offended I assumed and told me that from where I came from it is not far more better anyway. She said it with confidence because she thinks since she has been there for a merely four days three nights stay therefore she has seen everything she needs to know to combat any of my bad remarks. That just turned me off. It is like watching four minutes of a movie that runs 169 minutes and you think you have seen enough to review it. If I had not been driving at that time, I would have rolled on the floor laughing frantically at her. How unbelievable can a person be? Then, she went on and on about her perspectives and viewpoints and I felt like shoveling a gigantic cucumber up into her mouth and down her throat to shut her up.

You know Diary I am beginning to feel like Ally McBeal now. Whenever she and I chat on something and when it gets tense, I often would imagine doing all the unthinkable naughty and nasty stuffs to her while, I pretended to pay attention to her. It is a form of tense releasing habit that I have practice ever since I know our routine. We chat first then we fight so I have started to come up with an effective method to soothe my temper against her and it works.

Rolly Polly has missed the whole point. I have lived here for five years now. I know how the systems work. I have studied, I have worked, I have lived in three different cities here, I have homes in two states here and I have lived in five different houses. I have relatives all over. I have been a very regular visitor here since I was still in my mother’s womb. I have travelled in almost all the public transport. I have crossed the borders more than a thousand times (the stamps in my passports will show that). I have been to all the states and almost all the cities here. I am a victim of robbery and snatch theft here. I have driven on the roads here; I have been to the markets and to the fanciest fine dining restaurants here. I have had a business and I have a company registered here. I have lived in a school hostel. I have had experience feeling what it is like to be stuck in traffic jam in this country’s capital during peak hours. I have had accidents with my car here. I have been to the public and private hospitals visiting sick acquaintances. I have seen the conditions of the public and private hospitals. What else is there for me to tell Diary?

Nobody is perfect and that applies to anything too but that does not mean we can allow ourselves to err. Size does not matter if we know how to manage. The news has become the public channel to make their voices heard. I have lived like one of the locals here and I know what I see and hear because I experience them myself. Why do the locals have to resort to the news to make heard their complains to the authorities? Why is there murder case almost every day? Why do people need to steal copper cable or metals? Why are there so many unfinished and abandoned construction projects? Why did they have to resort to violence to protest over some sensitive issues? Why do people have to become so emotional? Why does it take so long to get our complaints heard? Why do the taxis here do not charge passengers by the meter? Why do stricter actions taken after accidents? Why are bills passed today but only to be change the next? Is it too much to ask for a more proactive attitude towards the welfare of the societies regardless of their status? Do you want more, Diary?

It is not just about having sent a man to the moon or winning many gold medals in the SEA Games or has the tallest building in the world; it is much more than that. I always believe in voicing out the truths and nothing but the truths and it is of utmost importance that I do so from something that I have personally experienced and not as a passing tourist whose visit is too short to even meet the criteria as a reviewer.

There are so many issues that must be taken into consideration such as the public transport system, illegal immigrants, deciding on the medium of instructions in school, implementing laws and enforcing them. The basic facilities of the society on the whole, corruptions, crime rates, customer service, trustworthiness of the authorities, wage differentials, the role of trade unions, government policies and systems of work, basic economy problems, illegal labour problems, excessive road congestions. Also the benefits of public servants, infrastructure and loads more.

It is not easy but if the society tops the priority list of the authorities, no matter how long it takes, how difficult it is, achieving them is not impossible.

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