I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, February 12, 2010

I Ended The Life of My Mobile Phone....

Dear Diary,

I am so sleepy already but I do not want to postpone writing to you. There are just so many stories waiting to be written. They are interesting and I want you to know about them. I woke up at 9am and I took my shower and went out to Cold Storage to buy groceries for mother. She planned to cook chicken curry for her friend as a gift for the Chinese New Year. Mother happens to work in the morning shift and so I had to help her buy the groceries so she wouldn’t have to rush.

I got ready in a hurry because I have an appointment at 1pm today and I did not want to be late for it. I knew I had to leave home by 1130am to be early for the appointment. I walked to Northpoint and got there at 930am. I hurriedly shopped for the items mother had asked me to buy and quickly made it home. I took the bus home. When I got home, I peeled the skin of the potatoes and I cleaned the chicken. I cut the onions and garlic and when everything is done I started to get ready for the appointment. I felt like showering again but I did not. Time was very crucial to me at that time. I left home at 1130am. I got to the train station at 1150am and took the North East train. To my surprise I was way too early for the appointment. I got to the place at 1230pm and I was thinking what I was going to do. But nevertheless, it is always better to be three hours too early than one minute too late.

The appointment was very fruitful and I got myself a position in the company. It is a freelance post with lucrative income and that is enough for me. With the new job at hand and with the prospects it promises, I have become a little bit more confident of where I want to take it from here.

After the appointment, I was supposed to meet up with Hippo but things are so difficult when both of us are not contactable. My handphone broke and I felt so handicapped. It was difficult to communicate when you are on the go. I had to look for a public telephone to call Hippo. I just realized how different it is nowadays. Almost everybody including lower primary students own a mobile phone that made public telephone become so unpopular. Right from the train, everybody was busy with their mobile phones and mp3. When I took the train this afternoon, I felt strange because I just saw myself 5 years ago before I moved to Malaysia.

That is how I was, earphones stuck in my ear and my focus was on my mobile phone. It is so typical of Singaporeans. They either focus their attentions on a book, papers, mobile phones or PSP when they travel on public transport. Looking at them brought me back to those days. I do not know if I am glad or sad to be back. One thing for sure, I felt a sudden reluctance when I left Subang Jaya for Singapore last Sunday. It is hard to explain. I know I will not be leaving Subang Jaya for good, I will still be going back there but knowing that I will not be spending more time there anymore saddens me.

After numerous failed attempts to contact Hippo from the public phone, I gave up and walked back to the train station. I passed a mobile phone shop and could not resist the cheap offers. I am badly in need of a phone. Being reachable by mobile phone is essential with the new job. I stopped outside the shop and asked myself, do I just buy one here or wait till I get back to Subang next month. I do not think I can afford to do that. So I indulge myself to a new mobile phone. It is not a fancy one but it will do me good until I hit my first sales target and I will probably indulge myself to a bigger, better deal.

Do you know how my phone got broken Diary? It was so silly of me. I dropped the phone many times. You know it was new too don’t you? It has this dual sim cards function which I like very much. I can use my Singapore and Malaysia number on the same phone. The functions still work but the battery just refuses to charge. The battery died, I tried to charge it up but it couldn’t work. There was no way I can make it work, so I thought. I was already at my wits end and it really drove me up the wall. I threw it hard against the wall many times with full force until the LCD screen broke. As if that was not enough to satisfy me, I took a hammer and smashed it. I was so angry at it. I was irritated and annoyed.

If only I could explain the frustrations I had to endure. It was the only phone I brought with me to Singapore and when it failed on me, imagine how I felt. I need it for my job, without the phone it is as good as not having the job. Furthermore, I am using two numbers and when the phone broke, I am so uncontactable. All my contacts are gone with the phone. Get what I mean? You simply cannot expect me to go back to Subang Jaya to get my extra phone and you cannot just simply think it is easy for me to buy a new phone, I have earned in RM and to buy a phone in SGD, you have got to be kidding me Diary.

The only fault with the phone was that; it refuses to get charge up. The circuit probably has malfunctioned. It was stupid of me, I could have just waited and let it be. The phone was still in good physical condition though. But you know, I was not thinking straight at that point of time anyway. My frustrations got the better of me. 

Oh never mind Diary, at least I felt good when I smashed it. I felt some kind of satisfaction that transfer out all the bad energy in me. Do I make any sense Diary? I am like a zombie now typing to you. My eyes can close any minute from now.

I think I better sign off now.

Bye Diary. I love you. Will write again.

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