I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Stories In My Path...

Dear Diary,

I received a phone call from Pumpkin this morning telling me that she was with Hanny. When she mentioned Hanny, I paused for awhile. I tried recalling which Hanny she was referring to when it just occured to me that it was my car she was referring to. Hanny did not have any problem to start. I was not surprised because I have left Hanny many times on her own when I was away and never had any problems starting her whenever I came back. That is why I am always proud of Hanny and have always love her more than myself. She has never let me down Diary and she is the reason why I am happy. Pumpkin told me that she felt tempted to drive Hanny around the car park and I allowed her to do so. Pumpkin deserves to feel how Hanny is like and Hanny also deserves to be driven around. I hope the two can get along fine and will compliment each other. *Grins*

How are you Diary? I have been thinking of you but I just do not know what to write to you. My life in Singapore has progress moderately. I am building my career from scratch and I have to start everything from zero. There will be a lot of changes in my life. When the selling process of this house is done, I will move to a new house in a new environment. I can see that I will be busy in the near future as our first appointment with the Housing Development Board is on the first week of May and by then, I have probably started the full launch of my career and also I will have my hands tied to packing, moving, unpacking and organising the new house. I am sure I will not be able to write to you during those times. I hope you understand Diary.

Oh, by the way it looks like I will eventually be having the house in Subang all to myself.  Paranoid text me yesterday with news that she might have to give up her tenancy in April if she is still unable to find a job by March. She did not tell me more but by reading between the lines I knew she might have dried up her savings. She has been unemployed for almost five months now. Her source of income for the five months came mainly from her savings which she boasted to me could last her for six months without employment. I did not try to talk her to stay neither did I try to sound happy knowing the fact there is a possibility that I will be the queen of the house soon. I did not want to get too excited for a news that is still uncertain. Moreover, she will only give up the tenancy if she is not able to find herself an employer by March which is just around the corner. I let her know that I am open to whatever decision she will make and I will refund her deposit a month later ater she leaves the house officially.

It seems to me that I have to have lots and lots of cash by May. If Paranoid is really leaving in April, I will have to refund her deposit in May and it is also in May that I have to renew Hanny's road tax and insurance. Oh Diary, this is really stressful, as if they cannot take a number and come knocking on my door one at a time. Everything seems to come all at one time putting my endurance and perseverence at test. I supposed it is not going to be a smooth sailing on my birthday in 2010 afterall. Perhaps this is a gift from God to knock some sense of factuality into my indistinct visionary frenzied self and mind. Whatever it is, I am ready and hopeful of everything that will come in my path.

I have talked a lot with Gummy Bear since I came back to Singapore. She is having some relationship problems and I supposed she needs a friend more than she needs money now. I can imagine how she feels right now. I have been there in her shoes and there is nothing more soothing and comforting than a friend who is willing to sit next to you listening to your predicaments without saying anything at all. She was there when I was in those days. Presently, I only think that I must pay it back to her for whatever she has done for me when I was down. I feel that it is just my responsibilities to make sure she knows that she is not alone. I do admit that most of the times, I talked to her roughly about the situations but I supposed my intentions were nothing but merely real, honest and heartfelt. I am sure I did not sound sympathy at all but one thing for sure I sound genuine. I hope she realises that I only mean to be truthful.

Diary, I sent letters to Flying Babe yesterday. I included my drawing in the letters and I cannot wait to receive her text message on what she thinks of the drawing. Writing to her is like a theraphy for me. Everytime I draw, I would laugh at it and that helps heal my long for her. I tell her stories of my life and how I have progress. It is just pure writing you know. She told me that when she reads my letters she feels like she is in the movie, P.S, I Love You. I do not really know what she meant but I refuse to dwell on it. All I want is to write her stories because she enjoys reading written letters. She admits that she is a bit of an old-fashioned girl but I just thought that it is because of that, that I was and still am, erotically attracted to her. I would describe her as simple but spicy, natural yet stirring, however plain she is, she is pleasingly sensual. Although innocent but on the contrary there is a sprinkle of mild sophistication in her.

I have to go now Diary. I will write again. Wish me luck in my undertakings.

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