I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I am Tubercolosis Free

Dear Diary,

I think I am going to be busy this March. I am going to climb a mountain on one Sunday. I am going to be a tour guide for a friend who is coming to Singapore for four days. I am also going to Vietnam for a holiday for 5 days. Everything is going to happen in March. It looks like I am going to change my jobs or perhaps change to a different department. I hope it would be the latter as I still like what this company has to offer. I hope things are going to be smooth for me. 
I have confirmed my Vietnam trip. I have everything booked and I am simply counting days to it. I have many stuffs to buy there. I guess mostly it would be stuffs for hiking like backpacks, fleece jacket and many more. I have written it down so I won’t forget what to buy there. You know how I can forget things.  

Today would be the last day of my medical check up. I am discharged from Tubercolosis. I can say that I am healthy and well now. Alhamdulillah. I did not expect this coming as I had in mind that it would be in March. I did not expect it to be sooner. I was happy when the doctor announced it to me. There are many things that I wanted to do but I can’t because of my disease. I have to go to the polyclinic everyday without fail just so I can eat my medicine under the watchful eyes of the nurse. The injection stopped 3 months ago and soon the medicines I have to take become lesser gradually. 
I broke the news first to Flying Babe. I don’t know why. It is probably because she showed her concern and I talked in details about it with her. I felt that we connected about it. I supposed it is only natural for me to do that. She must be busy when I told her. I don’t know but I just feel that way. I told her too that I am going to climb a mountain. She told me to take care of myself.

Well, yeah I am a bit nervous about it. This is going to be the first time I am climbing a mountain alone. Well, not literally alone. I am meeting the other climbers there and I don’t know any of them! I decided to join them because it has really been a long time since I climb. I have started to miss climbing very much. I knew I would have to do it alone eventually. Climbing is a hobby and you cannot be lucky to have good friends that share the same hobbies. 

The only person I knew who can climb with me is Infinity. I taught her a lot about climbing and I brought her to liking climbing. The good thing about her is that she did not do it because I was her girlfriend, she did it because she liked it too. Since we broke up, I don’t think she has done it on her own. I strongly doubt so. It was me who always packed her stuffs for her. She was simply lazy to do anything on her own. I bet she wouldn’t be able to answer if you asked her a simple question about packing for a hiking trip. She did not help me to cook, clean, pack and unpack up in the mountain. That is her you know, I got used to it. Love really did make me blind. 

Another thing is she does not even have the basic hiking equipments. So I was thinking, she might like it but she was not willing to spend on the equipments, always had to depend on me. Yeah, I might be right. She probably was not serious about it. When I knew her, I do not remember if she had any hobby similar to mine. She likes bowling and she had the equipments. She has her own ball and her pair of bowling shoes.  

I was the one who introduced her to hiking. I supposed we need to have hobbies. Hobbies are important to divert us from being melodramatic about the sad things that happened in our lives. But then again, we need to be prepared to spend some money into our hobbies. Some hobbies are cheap while some are expensive. I would say that hiking and travelling would be my expensive hobbies while writing and watching movies are my cheap hobbies. If you are not prepared to spend then forget about having a hobby. The thing about some people is they just like to make use of situations, circumstances and people. They like to do it, they don’t mind doing it, but they just don’t want to spend and always end up borrowing or using other people’s equipments for their own convenience. I constantly remind myself not to be like that. If I have, God forgives me.

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