I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, February 1, 2014

My Vietnam Excitement and Stories About Friends

Dear Diary,

Wow!! I have not been here for the longest time I think. I am drinking coffee in front of the television watching National Geographic Adventure. Since I have cable TV, all I watch are Nat Geo, Travel Channel and Trace Sports Star. You can say that I am a regular with these channels. I have not been outdoor for so long and the urge to go outdoor seems to be calling. I don't hike more often like before as I am savings up for something big. I am sure all these sacrifices that I have made will eventually satisfy me big time. Soon, I know it will. 

I have booked flight tickets to Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City and also the hotel. We are going to stay for  5 days 4 nights. I have decided to go free and easy on this tour. I figured that we need all the time we have there to explore on our own. Yes, I am with my parents but I guess I am ready to bring them tour my style. I am confident with mom as she is still physically strong while dad, I can talk him into it. 

I have prepared the itinerary and there will be 3 places of interests that we will not miss. I want to go to Chu Chi Tunnel, Mekong delta and hopefully white dunes. I guess white dunes is a bit under rated as there are not many people who have been to Vietnam talked about it. Most of them always talk about Chu Chi Tunnel and Mekong Delta. White Dunes is like a desert and I wouldn't want to miss this place. It is quite far from HCMC, about 4 hours drive and I hope my parents are ok to travel that far from HCMC to go there. 

I have bought a tripod and also a camera case and a lens case. I bought the tripod from Mustafa Centre and the lens case online from Qoo10. They are not expensive but their quality is good. I am all geared up Diary. hahaha I am so excited. It has been a long time since I travel and this time round it is with my parents. I don't know how it is going to turn out. I will simply go and bring them around. Whatever is going to happen will happen anyway. Dad will bring his portable stool and that will make it easier for us.I have already started planning on my next trip. Yes, I will probably bring my parents again. Perhaps they will be my travel partners. I don't mind because they are my parents after all. We don't have much time to mind our own business. We are family. 

I have always wanted to try traveling alone but that can wait, I know. The time that I have left now is to bring my parents to places. Remember what I told you Diary, I want to bring my parents to China, to see the great wall, to walk on the great wall and to touch the great wall with their bare hands. Not yet I guess. Dad has retired and mom will, soon. I know I will have to be the one to take care of their welfare. The money I have, the strength in me and the time on my side, I will probably dedicate them to my parents. I have no women to love anyway... haha the ones that I want to love seem distant nowadays. I do not want to pursue them. 

Oh yeah, talking about love, Gummy Bear has just found someone. Yes, she is attached now and that explains why my whats app messages to her took so long to be replied and went unanswered. I guess that's natural isn't it? Things are hot when they are new. Old friends are forgotten when you have found new friends. I am not saying she has forgotten me, but yes I feel things are different now between us. It is the distance I guess. I don't know how it is going to be when I move back to Subang Jaya. I bet things will be different because people move on, things change over time so I definitely cannot expect things will be how they used to be when I left Subang Jaya. 

Pumpkin has started a family, Gummy Bear has a new found love, Rolly Polly has moved on and seemed to be in and out of love hahaha...I have lost in touch with Mickey Mouse. Infinity and I have been a history. Flying Babe, well...I don't know what to say about her. She seems to have everything that she has ever wanted in her life now; a house, a car and a career. Things are good for her. Dark Chocolate is still in London and it looks like she is not coming back to Malaysia. I miss her company although most of the times it looks like she and I have a love hate relationship. 

The only friend that still talks to me like always is JapanGal. She is just something. Distance does not mean anything to us. We share stories a lot. She listens to me and I do the same to her. I think it is because she is still single. She would tell me stories of the people she met and I enjoy her stories. She entertained me and makes me chuckle sometimes. Oh well Diary. People come and people go in our life. That's natural I guess. 

I am praying things will be fine for us.

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