I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, February 17, 2014

Things I Should Be Grateful of

Dear Diary,
I think I am going to buy the Polaroid camera today after work. I am excited to have it and I cannot wait to get my hands on it. I have also bought the selfie monopod online and once it has arrived, I am ready to test it. My camera collection would be complete once I have bought the Polaroid XS100. I can still use Samsung NX1000 for photo takings and video but that kind of camera is usually used for leisure holidays instead of adventure holidays. I am planning to make a videography for every holiday I go to.
The Polaroid XS100 is waterproof up till 10 meters so I am sure I will not be having problem taking pictures with it when it rain or shines. Furthermore, the Polaroid XS100 is a action camera. I can mount it on my helmet, handlebar or anywhere to record my adventure journey. I just have to have it you know. I may need to buy a new micro SD card. Just recently I bought a 16gb samsung micro SD card but I am using it for my SLR camera. I don’t want to switch the memory cards between the cameras. They are so tiny I can lose it if I am careless and I know I can be careless. I have one 8gb micro SD card but I think it would be too small for anything especially video taking. I might have to get a dry box too for the cameras. I don’t think I would want to invest again on any other cameras so I
better keep my cameras safely.
Do you remember Peppermint Diary? Guess what, I text her the other day and invited her to join me for the day hike at Gunung Datuk. She declined but she told me she is coming to Singapore and needs me to show her around. I am just excited as well as I am worried. Excited to meet a friend and worried because if I have successfully found myself a job, I might have to start work early. Well, I don’t know Diary. I am asking for a transfer and I have applied for the posts but there is still no news yet. Anyway, I have indicated on the resume that I can only start work on 1st April. I have decided to still work for awhile until I have enough money to move back to Kl.  
Have I told you that my credit facilities with the banks have been approved? I am happy, at least that gives me some security. I know now that I have something to fall back on. When my applications were approved, I was excitedbecause I know that will give me the assurance of having something to depend on in times of emergency. I have been trying to get some credit facilities from the banks since I moved back. Looking back, a lot of good things have happened lately. While I am telling you, I just realised that and how silly I am to think that I am unfortunate sometimes. You see Diary, you got to know what you have before you can call yourself unlucky or unfortunate. The things that I have ever wanted like the credit facilities and free from Tubercolosis are all granted to me. What more can I ask for?
Syukur. That is what I have to do. I supposed I will be most happy when I get to move back to KL, start up my own business again, buy myself a second car; a suzuki jimny perhaps, go climb mountains over the weekends and travel as and when I like. Oh my, that would be my ideal lifestyle. Three more years perhaps…yeah…three more years.  

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