I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, December 8, 2014

I Live Now

Dear Diary,

I went to sign the agreement of the house today and paid a deposit of 10% out of the selling price. Together with the legal and stamping fees, it amounted to a grand total of $15,216. Ok, so I am $15,216 poorer today. The officer told me that I am entitled to purchase the 2-rooms apartment only once as a single and if I were to sell the house in the future, I will have to pay a levy of $8000 cash. 

The house cost me $142,000 for a 45sqm. I do not have any plans to sell it but we will see how things turn out. It will be ready in October 2018 and that gives me another 3.5 years before I begin paying my mortgage. I am excited to have a place of my own. It is a big accomplishment for me since I came back from Kuala Lumpur. I had nothing to be proud of when I came back but at least now, I have something. It was not easy Diary. I came back empty handed. I had nothing except for experiences and memories. I guess I have left the memories behind and moved on from all the dissapointments and heartbreaks. I do not want to live it all over again. I still do not have everything that I ever wanted, but I know I have achieved things. We never know, believe me, when we have succeeded best. We have to judge our success by what we had to give up in order to get it. 

I came back to Singapore and left Kuala Lumpur with a heavy heart so I left my heart behind. I struggled to live in my own country surrounded by my family until I realised that it is pointless to chase a love that is not worth chasing. It still hurts and I can still feel the pain. I came to learnt with the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.

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