I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tioman Salang Indah March 2014

Dear Diary,

I have not told you anything about my trip to Tioman. Too many to tell, let's just see the photos ok.

This chalet cost me RM40 per night. I stayed here alone. Just nice for my budget.

2 single beds, a wall fan. No water heater so I made my own hot shower.

Only one electric point. Good thing I brought a double plug.

Didn't eat outside at all. Cooked meals for all 4 days.

They are everywhere in Tioman.

Salang Indah....the uphill resort that was never completed.

My first day meal, home cooked and brought to Tioman with me.

This would be my ideal island hut...

One male and 3 females.

 My loyal travel companion. Teva sandal. Has been with me for more than 10 years and still going on strong.

 Ok, I am camera shy...hehehe

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