I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, November 6, 2017

Excited To Meeting An Old Friend

Dear Diary,

I did not go for my course today and tomorrow. I think I will not be going to any this week. It is okay as I can always reschedule. It is a 15-day course and I can attend whenever the slots suit me. I simply have to make sure that I complete the course by end of December.

How are you Diary? I have been thinking about you and what I shall write to you. There are many stories to tell especially after not writing to you for exactly a year. Flying Babe told me that. I could not believe she checked on that. I would consider it as the nitty-gritty detail. Only someone who takes that subject seriously would do that. That is why I write. I have promised myself to write, how tired I am, at least a short one paragraph. That will do. At least she knows about me unless I really can’t.  

Oh, as I was typing this, Miss Legal text me and told me she will be in Johor Bahru tomorrow and the day after. She has a court hearing on Wednesday. It is not confirmed yet but I sense that she wants me to hang out with her. I have known her since she was a student until today she has become a lawyer. I have watched her life progress from losing a father to having a new family member when her little brother got married. I have known her for more than 15 years Diary. I cannot believe the amount of time since it all started from IRC. I have to admit that I made many friends from IRC and most of them have turned into good friends. Gosh, the friendships and relationships I have built during those years chatting in IRC have turned fruitful. I am not surprised at all I have more friends in Malaysia than in Singapore.

The friends I made from IRC are closer to me since we are all people who share the same sex preference. We are indifferent and that is what makes me feel comfortable with them. So I make a date with Miss Legal on Wednesday for lunch and she said she was hoping to meet me for dinner tomorrow. I told her I cannot do dinner as it will be troublesome for me to go back to Singapore on the same night. She immediately offered me to spend the night with her in her hotel room. I do not mind actually as I have nothing to do at home. I am done packing for Kinabalu and now I am just hanging around at home reading and doing my stuff. I accepted her offer and will wait for her confirmation. Her court hearing is not confirmed yet she said. She is going to text me tomorrow at 2pm to confirm.

I am excited. I feel like I am a girl who is about to get candies. It has been a long time since I met her. The last time I met her was 5 years ago. We still keep in touch. We exchange texts almost weekly. She is one of those friends I treasure because she understands me and she lets me win most of the times. The friend is the woman who knows all about you and still likes you. Well, I hate losing and she knows that so she always gives in to me. I supposed she is one of the smarter ones among my friends. I am a stubborn idiot, and there is no point arguing with a stubborn idiot. I supposed that’s what old friends do. We know each other too well that arguing with each other is the last thing we want to do and giving in is the best option, simply to save the friendship. Friendship isn’t a big thing — it is a million little things, like a rainbow between two things.

Miss Legal told me she has put on lots of weight. She is 70kg now and she told me not to be surprised when I see her. She told me that she still drives her old car and it is ugly. I told her to shut the fuck up and just meet me tomorrow. I miss her and it has been a long time since I am going out for fun like this. You know Diary, going out just to chill and unwind. I honestly need this and Miss Legal has just answered my prayers.   

PS: Can you imagine how would I feel meeting you. Love, me. 

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