I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, November 10, 2017

How I Spent Friday

Dear Diary,

Did you sleep well last night? I did and I woke up just in time for Fajr. After that, it was a busy morning for me. I cooked for dad and I did some household chores. I have never cooked so early like that before. I had to because I need to go out to get something and I am afraid I might be back late. I do not want to eat dinner outside anymore. I want to eat home cooked dinner and so I cooked early today.

I bought a bag for my backpack. It is a rucksack where I can put my backpack inside it to check in for flight. I bought it for $15. It is used and I bought it from Carousel. I bet it was expensive because it is the same brand as my backpack and for those who know about a backpack, they know my brand is expensive. Oh anyway, I am glad I waited for this because the offer price was $20 and I tried my luck and made a counteroffer at $15 and it was accepted. I got home and I tried it. It is perfect for my bag and I like it very much.

I had a new friend request on Facebook a few days ago. I do not know who she is but I saw that we have a mutual friend so I approved of her. She appears to be a friend of an old friend of mine, Watermelon. This girl seems to share the same hobby as I do. She likes hiking, camping and backpacking. She is 35 and lives in Bangi. She has climbed mountains out of Malaysia mostly but not that many. I think I have climbed much more mountains than she does. She is going to Everest Base Camp (EBC) next year in April, alone. I am impressed but I still think she cannot beat my record. *chuckles*

I spent my time climbing the mountains in Malaysia for the past twenty years. I have completed the G7 series at 40  and now since I do not have a job anymore, I am focusing more on mountains out of Malaysia. Rinjani will be my first Indonesia mountain and then Fuji and Annapurna Base Camp. EBC probably will be my next and Kilimanjaro will be after EBC. I told her to go with me if she wants to go to Kilimanjaro. She said it is on her wish list too. See, birds of a feather flock together.

She gave me her number and we started chatting on whassap. We mostly talked about mountains, hiking and life. I might be hiking with her in December and she told me Watermelon wants to come along. I am fine with that but I know Watermelon is not a hiker, so I need to be patient with her speed. I have not met Watermelon for a long time. In fact, I have not been keeping in touch with many of my friends in Malaysia. There are only a few of them I keep in touch while the rest remain friends on Facebook. We have all aged, Diary. We appreciate more ‘me’ time than socialising.  If you ask me now, I’d rather be laying on my couch at home and watch ‘The Walking Dead’.

I cannot deny that is not always the time but this is a fact about people when they grow older, they grow to become self-sufficient and they somehow do not chase love anymore. They have learnt to love themselves and not having someone to love is not a problem anymore. If by any means, they have found love, they would consider that as a bonus. I think I would like to call my new found friend Alpine. The name suits her since she likes to hike alpine mountains.

I got to go Diary. I just found out that I have to go to the airport on my own tomorrow. My brother has class so he can’t send me. Damn! 

PS: You are still the one. Love, Me.   

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