I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, December 1, 2017

What I have Been Doing.

Dear Diary,

Forgive me for not writing for such a long time as I have been busy. I hope you are doing good and in the pink of health. I was in Sabah for one week. I came back on Saturday and I have been attending classes for my Leadership and People’s Management Course. Yes, I have been genuinely busy. I jog at night to build up my stamina and endurance for future mountain climbing trips.

I will be climbing Rinjani in April 2018 and Fuji in August 2018. These are my major hikes in 2018. I got to stay fit. In between those two mountains, I will be going for other hikes in Malaysia. It is like I hike almost every month nowadays. One mountain every month; that seems to be the rule I live by nowadays. Rinjani, I have heard is no ordinary mountain. It is not easy and it is challenging. It is a volcano and it has loose gravels, sands and stones. You will definitely find these elements in your shoes while ascending and descending Rinjani.

I am going to Sabah in January 2018 and yes, my free time since I came back from Sabah on November 2017 was dedicated to doing reservations on accommodations and transport for January 2018. I have been doing my homework on what to do, what to eat, where to eat and how to go in Sabah. I am sorry for ignoring you Diary, really I have been busy. There are so many things I have to do. My mother is back from Umrah when I was in Sabah and it just feels so overwhelmed with things happening in my family.

I have no class today so I can write a bit to you. 

I have to go now. I have things to do. I will write tomorrow ok. 

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