I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Spending Time With Nikita

Dear Diary,

I am back. I am all pumped out to write you stories. Stories that you would enjoy reading and it will be stories full of excitement and thrill. It will make you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride of a lifetime. I am back from Sabah, I have finished my 15 days course and I am free now. Well, not exactly free with so much free time as I am in Tangkak. My parents and the nieces and nephews will come tomorrow. The house will surely be crowded and noisy with them around. I do not think I will have the time to write to you daily. I will try.

I went for a day hike on Saturday. It was just a casual hike with a friend I just got to know. A mutual friend. Remember Alpine? Let’s just call her Nikita. I went hiking with her and that was the second time I met her. The first time was the night before for dinner at Seoul Garden. The hike was fun and I did not beat my personal record as I had to wait for Nikita. She was not fast so out of courtesy, I had to wait for her and hike with her. I wanted to do two rounds of the hike but looking at the pace we went, I knew I couldn’t. We made it to the summit together, we sat awhile and talked. She talked about her ex-girlfriend and I talked about Infinity. I have had so many ex-girlfriends but Infinity was the one I chose to talk about because she was the closest example of her stories.

I wanted her to know that breaking up is a process that everybody will go through eventually. Whether you like it or not, it will be something we must experience at least once or twice in our lives. I have had many breakups but the most painful ones were with Infinity and the most heartfelt one was with Flying Babe. I have no more love for Infinity, not even an inch left but things are different with Flying Babe. My weakness is that I still have a soft spot for her. She stays in my heart and I carry her in the background. Sometimes I wonder why it takes a minute to say hello and forever to say goodbye. I wish I never had to say goodbye to anyone who has crossed my paths. I would like to be with them forever until eternity but you and I know that is just not possible. I have read somewhere that we only part to meet again. Is it true Diary? Why can’t we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together? I guess that wouldn’t work. Someone would leave. Someone always leaves. Then we would have to say good-bye. I hate good-byes. I know what I need. I need more hellos, everybody needs that.  

I could see Nikita is going through what I went through and I could easily relate. I feel her and I know exactly what she needs. She has been handling it well though from my observations. She has moved out of the house into a new one. She has cut all communications from her ex-girlfriend and she is making herself busy with productive work. She is lucky because she has a good friend who aids her becoming busy. She has some sort of a business project going on with that friend.

Nikita is a self-proclaimed independent woman who likes to think that she does not have a gentle heart. I think she will survive this ordeal and she does not need new people in her life to do just that. She is a woman of few words and it was not easy to connect with her. It will take time and lots of communication to get to know her. We did quite a few things together. We had dinner, then breakfast, we hiked, we had lunch, we went to Big Bad Wolf together, we ate ice cream together and we went for a movie. I had a good time with her. There were not much of interactions but there were so many activities. Our time was filled with things to do and where to go. She knew how to bring me to places and she did not bore me. I was quiet too and so was she. I probably have shown her few bad body languages which might have turned her off. Well, I am not sure. You know how careless I can be, right Diary? We have the same Star and probably the same characteristics, two stubborn Taurus out in the urban jungle. Therefore, I am inviting you to imagine what it would be like.  

I got to go Diary.

Ps: I have big plans for us. Will you let me have the chance?

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