I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

My Sabah Adventure Part 3

Dear Diary,

I am feeling a little discouraged these few days. I know why but I think it will go away soon. I will continue my story on Sabah. So I reached the summit successfully and I climbed down as soon as I can. I did not want to wait that long. I came down with some of the group members and we took some photos. Eventually, we split up and I was left alone.

I passed the Donkey’s Ear peak, Ugly Sister’s peak and also some of the popular summits of Kinabalu. You do know that Kinabalu has many peaks and the peak that climbers usually summit is Low’s Peak, don’t you? Not many people know about this but climbers who did their homework first would know. I passed these peaks and I was not very keen to take photos. I stood there and admired these natural beauties with my own eyes. I did not have this chance 21 years ago. I was young and could not really internalise natural beauties. All I knew at that time was to climb Kinabalu. It was not about appreciating and valuing it. Things are different now. We age and we began to understand the importance of being grateful.

Sarah and Nad made it to the top too. The three of us made it and that made this trip complete. I was worried if either one of us did not make it. But thankfully we all reached the summit. We checked in at the hotel as planned. We extended our stay and White Water Rafting at Padas River was one of our activities. I have done White Water Rafting but not Grade 4. I was excited and I supposed so were they.

We were picked up at 5am from our hotel. The transport sent us to Beaufort train station and from there we boarded the train to the starting point. The journey was interesting and something which I will remember for life. The train ride was a classic one with carriages from the olden days. Non-air-conditioned, wooden floorboard, wooden benches and people mostly sat on the floor. We did that and it was amazing.

When we got there, changing rooms were provided for those who need to change clothes. There were lockers and we were required to keep our belongings and valuables. Any other things were not allowed except for your sunglasses and what is on your body. I had to keep my DSLR but it was a good thing they provided photographers at certain points of the river. These photographers are professional kayakers. They will go ahead of you, park themselves and get ready to shoot you with their DSLR.

Sarah, Nad and I together with other 2 guides were in the same boat. So there were 5 of us. It was not crowded and I was glad. You will know why soon. We were briefed about safety procedures and also the standard water rafting commands. We were told what to do if the boat capsized or if we go overboard. I somehow knew what to do as I have done rafting before, I knew what to expect but what I did not expect was to go overboard.

I thought I had it good. I listened to the instructions and I followed but if it was meant to happen, it will happen. I went overboard as I did not hold on to the rope tightly. As soon as I went into the water, I knew I had to survive. I went head first and I felt the water splashing hard on my face. I held my breath and I struggled to get to the surface. I knew I needed to breathe. The current was strong and I felt like I was an object in a spinning washing machine. My shoe almost came off and it tickles me that in spite of my situation right there and then, I still made effort to pull my shoe and secured it to my feet. I still laugh at myself thinking about it. When I was in the water and had surfaced, I tried to do the body raft as I was taught but it was difficult. I simply could not keep my body straight. When you do the body raft, your feet have to be at the front so that you can kick any obstacles in your way. I had so much trouble doing that. I tried to breathe but the water kept splashing at my face. Although I was floating, it was still difficult to breathe.

I really did not know how long I will be in the water and I was not sure if rescue was anytime soon but I suddenly felt someone held my life jacket from behind and I heard a voice saying,

“Don’t worry I am here…”

I turned to look at who it was and it turned out to be my rescue guide. Apparently, the minute he saw me fell overboard, he jumped into the water to rescue me. I was relief as he was beside me and I held on to his arms. I held him so tight I did not want to let go no matter what.

Soon, I felt a boat knocking me and I heard a voice saying,

“Hold on to the rope”

I looked up and it was the rescue boat and I did exactly what I was told when the rescue boat came. They pulled me up and I tried to get a grip. I pulled myself hard as soon as I secured my feet into the boat. It was difficult pulling yourself up like that. I calmed myself down and I transferred to my boat. Sarah and Nad were worried. They thought I was drowned and I chuckled. It was an experience I would never forget. I think I know what it is like now to drown and I know what people will go through minutes before they are drowned. I am thankful I am still alive. The life jacket saved me and the quick thinking guide ensured my safety. I will do it again but at other rivers.

Got to go Diary. I am sleepy.

PS: If I were to die, read me prayers.     

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