I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, December 11, 2017

My Sabah Adventure Part 1

Dear Diary,

Let me tell you about my trip to Sabah. My brother could not send me to the airport as he had to attend class. My flight was at 5pm. I woke up in the morning and the first thing I did was to check on Grab Hitch to the airport. It was the cheapest going at $15. I knew I had to share the ride with other people but I did not mind at all as long as it was affordable. If I had not taken Grab Hitch, it would cost me about $35. I waited for 3 hours before my request got answered. The driver called and text me to confirm my ride. I was glad!

So I reached Singapore Changi Airport Terminal 4, three hours before my departure. I had plenty of time to walk around to see what does this latest airport has to offer. You know we are having Terminal 5 soon as it is under construction. I checked in my bag and waited for my flight. I noticed there were so many USB charging points at the seating area. There were also desktops for us to use for free to surf the internet. There were many shops that did not make me feel like I was in an airport. This is the reason why we have won so many awards for best airport in the world for so many times in a row.

The flight to Sabah Kota Kinabalu was smooth. The weather was fine and I enjoyed my flight. I had booked a hotel transfer with the hostel I am staying, unfortunately, no one was there to greet and welcome me when I arrived. I called the hostel and was told that the car had a punctured tyre which was a lie. I knew it was as my instinct told me it was a bullshit I should never believe. Someone from the hostel should have called me and let me know. I left 2 phone numbers for them to contact me in case of emergency but no one did. They eventually came and I was picked up and sent to the hostel.

The hostel I booked was at Gaya Street and that is like the most happening street in Kota Kinabalu. I came on Saturday and the Gaya Street Sunday market starts at 5am and so, I was all geared up to visit it. Since I had dinner at KFC in the airport, I showered and went to bed straight away. I woke up at 5am and I could not go back to sleep anymore. I took shower and went downstairs. The thing about Sabah is, sunrise and sunset are early than Singapore. So it was bright even at 6am. I walked from one end to the other end of the Sunday market and found few things I like and bought T-shirts for the mother, father and brother. I chose the good quality ones so the prices are pricey a bit. I took photos and I did not feel scared a bit for showing my DSLR. I felt safe as it was crowded and the hostel was just a few steps away.

I went back to the hostel wanting to get some rest but I could not. That is me. I will become a light sleeper when I travel and sleep becomes something which is difficult to do. I am fed up because I knew I had to get some rest before the hike. I went out again, this time I tried to find my way to the Philipino market and also the handicraft centre. I walked and the distance was not that far. I went back to the hostel, packed my bag and got myself a ride with Uber to the airport as I had to wait for the rest of the team. Nad and Sarah will be arriving late as their flight was rescheduled to a later time. I did not know anybody else except Nad and Sarah so when I got to the airport, I did not join the rest, I waited elsewhere. I was shy and I knew I would be uncomfortable.

They finally arrived after a long wait. We packed up and left the airport. We spent the night at a hostel in Kota Kinabalu which was a walking distance to the hostel I stayed earlier. I made few new friends and I began to feel comfortable with this team. We had dinner outside, we chatted and the ice was broken. We went back to the hostel to get some sleep. Tomorrow morning will be a long day to Kundasang.

Apparently, 1 of the participant had his backpack lost by Air Asia. All he had was his wallet. He was with his girlfriend and being the man, most of the heavy items were in his backpack and the lighter items were in his girlfriend’s pack. He was worried and I could tell from his face that he was an unhappy man. I would be too if I was him. I cannot imagine having my backpack lost when I travel especially for a hiking trip. Losing all the gears and clothes for the hike in the backpack, gone and lost with no guarantee of getting them back. What would you do Diary? I honestly wouldn’t know what to do.

So the trip organiser, Acai came out with this idea of a donation drive for them. The contribution was optional and I contributed RM50 to them. I imagined myself in their shoes and all I wanted was for someone to help me too if this happens to me when I travel. I think a total of almost RM300 was collected and handed over to them. We had to change many of our plans in the itinerary because of them. We went to this very big Bundle shop for them to shop for last minute items for the hike. They shopped and I shopped too. I bought a pair of Teva slip on. People say make hay while the sun still shines.

So after all that, we reached Kundasang safely and by Allah’s will, his backpack was found and Air Asia sent the backpack to him at 3am in the morning hours before we started our climb.  Air Asia knew the urgency and made sure he received it before the climb because I guess the fault was on Air Asia. Somehow, they have to rectify and correct the situations and they did.

So there we go Diary, this is only Part 1 of my Sabah Adventure. I will write again as I have to sleep. The bed is calling.

Ps: Life is an adventure, don’t you agree? 

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