I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Saturday, December 16, 2017

I Spoke to Flying Babe

Dear Diary,

I haven’t told you yet about Flying Babe, have I?  Oh, wait, yes I have. We are on talking terms now and I am happy about it. We have talked for some time and I have learnt that she is finding a new job that suits her because she is sick and tired of flying. I can understand that. She flies from the wee hour in the morning and up to late at night. I supposed it has taken a toll on her. She is no longer with Air Asia X so she does not do long distance flights anymore. That’s what she chose as she told me she finds it easier this way and still, she can earn equally the same flying Air Asia X.

I sympathise with her predicaments and now I can see why she is always sleeping and feeling sleepy. She has put on weight, a lot of weight but I still feel the same about her. I guess when you have a soft spot for someone size does not really matter, does it? She has to lose some weight by a certain date otherwise she will have to stop working on the aircraft instead she has to work on the ground. I did not know Air Asia can be that strict. I suppose Singapore Airlines is like that too as I know these two airlines pay particular attention to the outlooks of their crews. Tell me about the crews working onboard Air Asia and Singapore Airlines, they are all so damn pretty. Drop dead gorgeous I would say.

She has given me a lot of her photos. From the time she was thin to the time she put on weight. I still keep all of them on my phone. I have plenty of her pictures now. I did not give her many of my photos as I do not have many selfies. I hate selfies. I simply do not believe in selfies. But perhaps, if we become close again, I think I will pick up the habit. I wonder who took her pictures when she travels. I often ask myself if she is seeing anybody. Yes, I ask myself when I know I will not know the answer. I don’t want to ask her as I know we are not supposed to ask questions to the answers we do not want to hear. But I think she is not seeing someone. It is just a wild guess I make up just to please myself.

There are many questions I want to ask her. Too many, I do not think she will have the time to answer. I want to ask her about the girl she made her girlfriend while she was in Lombok. Why did she agree to be her girlfriend? Why did it last only 2 weeks? Why does she still reads my blog after what happened between us two years ago? Was she angry when she read my post about my rant on her? I want to know. I need to know. I want to know where I stand in her life. At least, I can move on after I know. I don’t know how to ask her. She seems busy and always in need to sleep early. I got to ask her one day.

We have spoken on the phone for about 59 minutes. She wanted to phone me but I phoned her instead. We talked and I could hear her sweet voice again. There was a time when she laughed as I startled on the phone. I thought there was a lizard on my head but it was my hair and she laughed at my silliness. I like hearing her laugh because she has this sweet voice that you can never get enough. I still keep her voice message in my phone, never to hear but just to keep.

We are planning a short getaway. I want to spend time with her. It surely is going to be something I look forward to. I hope I have the chance to do it. If she can’t fit me into her schedule, then I will just come to USJ again and meet her.

PS: I have learnt to take the bulls by the horn


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