I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Spending for My Parents

Dear Diary,

How has it been? I am doing ok. I am just busy with stuff. Mother is not around, so I am in charge of the household chores. Sometimes I cook dinner, sometimes I don’t and we will eat out. Eating out is very costly. I have spent $65 already just on three dinners outside. While I am trying hard to save, I know I still have to spend. Dad feels guilty and offered to pay for his meals. I declined his offer and paid. How can I take his money? How can I even expect him to pay? It does not make sense. I have promised myself to support my parents financially come what may.

I am going to Sabah this January with my parents. All expenses paid by me. I have set $2000 for this trip and it looks like it will be enough for the three of us, Insha Allah. I have bought tickets and we are flying with Air Asia. I asked Flying Babe if she could be on the flight but she could not as the flight I am taking departs from Singapore. She is based in Kuala Lumpur. There are a lot of Air Asia flights that I will be taking but I am somewhat disappointed since she cannot be working on those flights. But then again, I do not know how it is going to be like if she is working on those flights. It would definitely be awkward for me. We have not met for 8 years, I think. How time flies. Eight years is long time Diary, it is enough to make someone erase her feelings towards someone but I suppose not everybody can do that. I cannot do it, not with her.

PS: Take care Diary. 

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