I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

many ingredients, one dish

dear diary,

i am not sure if i had done the right thing. i am not sure if i had done it out of impulse. i knew i had to do something, somehow i need to explain. whether or not the message has been conveyed is secondary but the most important thing is i have to voice out my thoughts on that issue. it's crazy and it seems endless. i don't know when will they ever get tired of it? i am already worn out by everything. i thought everything is over now but still it keeps on coming. i guess that is life and we just have to deal with it. let's not talk about it anymore, it's not worthy of our attentions.

the sacrificial ceremony is conducted yesterday at the mosque where i registered. my parents attended the ceremony but i did not. i am a little upset but i knew i was not meant to be there when they slaughtered my sheep. as everybody is aware, the sacrificial ceremony was to be held on Friday, the day where we celebrated Aidiladha. however, the delivery of sheeps has been postponed to saturday, thus the sacrificial ceremony was brought forward to sunday morning. the sheeps did not arrive on saturday and were expected to arrive on sunday and so the ceremony was said to be likely on sunday itself or monday.

the sheeps only arrived on monday morning at 2 am and the ceremony was conducted on monday from 8 am. it's a bit anti climax because i only found out later in the news that 3 mosques had to cancell their sacrificial ceremony when the sheeps still did not arrive as expected at the time given. the money will be reimburse to the respective people. all the mosques and the public expect the Islamic council of singapore to do a post mortem and give explanations to the cause of the delay. i am sure many other factors were involved. according to the news, the delay was caused by rough whether conditions at sea and fuelling problems. some of the committee members of the mosques affected by the delay seemed unhappy and dissatisfied over the matter because it is not to be expected. i guarantee that the Islamic council of singapore has got lots of explanations to do.

i sent aramis a text message and she replied me back 8 hours later. i had been waiting for her sms the whole day when i finally received it, i was so happy that i was smiling away while praying. this is the thing about aramis, she never fails to make my heart jumps in agony and pain or laughter and excitement. no matter what she does, i know she will be the only one in my heart. it is like my heart and soul belong to her and there's no door for any other girls. it's scary when i think about it. i am not saying this just because i am in love with her, even during the time she was gone, i was still thinking about her even when i was with other girls.

she had been gone for 3 years and when she came back, i was in a state of disbelieve. never did i expect her to get in touch with me. she left without a word and i kept on wondering where she had gone to. i knew i love her before i met her. i am not quite sure what is in store for us but i am going to keep whatever i have with her safely in the corner of my heart. it doesn't matter whether it is just a friendship, i love her unconditionally and i want to make her happy. she is indeed one in a million. it is good that we have been keeping in touch back. we are not exchanging news as often as before but when we do text each other, it will always bring smiles and excitement to ourselves.

i like this feeling i am having with her. no strings attached, no commitments, no ties but we do share a common bond that is stronger than any steel on earth, deeper than the deepest ocean in the universe, bigger than life itself which is unbreakable and irreplaceable. i swear that i have never feel the way she makes me feel, perhaps i have not found someone else equivalent to her. Although i have found many pretty girls, they are just girls with a pretty face. they are no match for her, probably i need to meet more people and get involve with many activities.

russia was in JB last weekend, she sent me a text message asking how to go about if she happens to come here. i gave her detailed instructions but i didn't think she came here. i was held up at home last weekend to wait for any news of the arrival of the sheeps. i went for my quran class on saturday and it was great fun! we have started to learn using the Iqra technique and it is an effective and fast way of learning the quran. we bought a book and i will practice reading it before the next lesson begins. i do think of russia sometimes but everytime i think of her, i do not have the passion and excitement. probably because i have started to notice her flaws which do not impress me. it has been said that when you fall in love with someone, it is crucial for you to know her strengths as well as her weaknesses, and it is of utmost importance that you accept both her strengths and weaknesses. well, i am doing that but i guess my love for russia is minimal although i have to admit that i feel safe and secure whenever i am with her. anyhow, i will always love her for what she has done for me.

i have yet to prepare my schedule when i get to KL soon. i have so many people to meet with so little time. so many places to go with so little time. but i have to meet my best friend there. i have to make sure that i set aside time for her. i need to buy her something. i have no idea what to buy but i will go window shopping soon and see if anything catches my eye. i miss her very much. she is probably the friend i feel most comfortable to be with. i can practically do anything with her. i am just so lucky to have found a friend like her. it's amazing actually because i never liked her when i saw her nickname.

the way she chatted and how she carried herself in the chatroom turned me off. after awhile, we became simple friends and then, we became good friends. it's been 7 years now and i still couldn't believe that i have made a long distance best friend from the internet. i truly treasure my relationship with her and i think, whatever happens i will always remember her as my best buddy. she is the best and will always be. i do not have to watch my language when i am with her, i do not have to watch my attitude when i am with her. i am so free like a bird, we are natural to each other we can pass as sisters. you know how sisters behave towards each other right? i don't think it is easy for me to find another friend like her. it's gonna take some time.

i actually have two outstanding things to do. i am not sure if i am able to do it, it takes time and money. these two are my hobbies and i have yet to decide which one to do first. i might go for the skating course first. it's cheaper than the other one. oh yes, i went skating last saturday and it was fun. i didn't sweat as much as the other skaters during skating. i wonder why that is but i guess i didn't have much fats to burn anyway, ha ha ha. it was quite unusual because i usually sweat a lot on other skating nights. anyway, it is good to skate with them, it makes the event more fun and lively. i don't really know how is hulk doing with his skates. i am kind of tired to always have to be the one to remind him to practice. i hope he learn fast so that he will be able to go out on skating trips with us.

there's a skating event organise by skateline on the 29th of jan at the esplanade. i might go if the rest are going. the only thing difficult is to bring the stuffs. i got to wear my big pouch to put my sandal in it. i have skated at the esplanade and it was fun because it is in town and there are many people to watch you skate if you like to show off your skating skills, just make sure you don't make yourself a laughing stock. but the best place to skate has always been at ECP. very nice place and convenient too but if you want to have the place all to yourself, be there after 10 pm and you can skate all night without having to worry about human traffic. it can be annoying sometimes to skate at a crowded place. you can't speed and you can't do your stunt that is why i am always there after 10 pm. it's a good place to work out with your skate.

i have to go to the driving school later on. i tried the theory trial test and i passed it with only 2 mistakes. not bad huh? i have to go there everyday from now on cos my test date is on this 29th jan. got to get myself used to the questions. i hope i will pass the test so that i can proceed with my practical lessons. i need to put aside some money for the fees too. geezzz, it's all about money and more money.

i am so sleepy now. i did my reading late at night and i only slept at half past 1 last night. i have been losing lots of sleep lately. have to do my reading and to catch up with the time table. ahh i got to go now. talk to you later diary. bye now.

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