I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, January 21, 2005

my few stories

Dear diary, i actually had written something for you yesterday but something was wrong with my disk. i can't open up the file and it pissed me off. this is the thing with technology nowadays, you get too dependent on them that if they break down, you will break down too. take for example, if you lose your mobile phone without having any back up copy of the contacts stored in your SIM card, all your contacts will be gone too and you will feel like a lost kid in the middle of an unknown town. and if your mobile battery ran low and was automatically switched off, you will have trouble making calls from the public phone because you don't memorize the number. humans are getting pampered technologically.

i am not sure if it's bad news for some people but there was a public announcement by the Singapore Muslims Associations last night saying that the sacrificing rituals in singapore this year has to be brought forward to sunday morning due to the delay in shipment of sheeps from australia. this is because of the rough sea conditions. it is unexpected but it has happened before in 1964 if i am not mistaken. it looks like i will stay at home tomorrow and don't have to be in the mosque in the morning. this is quite an experience for me because it is my first time sacrificing a lamb and the delay of the shipment has added on to the whole experience. singapore has always imported the sheeps, lambs and cows from australia every year for the sacrificing rituals. we have no local supplier and thus have to depend on imported ones and i guess this is bound to happen since anything can happen during travelling.

i called corn pie these past few days and she always has to be the one to excuse herself first. she seems so busy and always in the middle of something. i got annoyed with that but i know i cannot complain much, we are not an item anyway. but what puzzles me is judging from the way we talk and address each other, we can pass as a couple. i am coming to KL this holiday and she wants to put up with me during the time i am in KL. i don't know yet as i will be busy and my schedule will be tight. i think i will just let nature takes its course. i am sick of being concern over petty issues. i have many people to meet and i am not sure if i am able to meet all of them. i always like to meet people individually because that way, i can get to know them first hand and can have the time to ourselves. i have about 2 new friends to meet and the rest are all old. nevertheless, i am excited to meet them all because it's been awhile since i met them.

i called russia a couple of times lately and everytime before we hung up, we always have to disagree on something. the thing about russia is she likes to disagree with me and does not back up her opinion which makes me sick. i have always been taught to back up my opinions with relevant facts and logical explanations so when someone disagree with me without reasons or explanations, i take it as she does not know what she is talking about. that's what we were taught in school, history, general paper and law subjects in particular, tell students to back up their arguments and opinions critically without running away from the main topic. i can never bring myself to understand why someone would want to disagree and not support her stand. i challenged russia to support her stand and she always without fail refused to do so giving me reasons such as she will let me win this time or that time which makes me even more sick. it makes me feel so irritated and turn off actually. she told me that i said things just to satisfy myself and when i asked her to give me examples, she couldn't. so i told her back that she only do things to satisfy herself and i even offered her for details and examples. russia always think that she is superior than me in many ways. even if i am wrong i cannot help but to feel that way. but the truth is, i have always enjoyed her attention. sometimes, i disagree and argue with her on purpose just to see how well she handles it. it is good to have debate partner, it makes us be onguard and alert.

aramis and i have been exchanging news last week. it's all because of of my eye. i think i have not been drinking enough water and my body may be heaty. something was about to grow in my left eye, it's called 'tembel' in malay. people always believe that tembel grows because the body lacks water. i was going to the cat show on sunday and i did not want to be present in the cat show with the thing you call tembel in my eye. frantically, i sent text messages to everybody in my contact list to ask for any remedies. aramis replied me back and we had small conversation from there. she is taking care of her mum now and she has got herself a maid to help out with the chores. i am quite happy for her because she is no longer staying alone and at least she will not be that lonely anymore. i am glad and i wish her mum would stay with her forever. i miss her everyday of my life since i got to know her 6 years ago. it is amazing that our friendship is still alive even though it is long distance. i had her as my girlfriend but i let her go. it's sad thinking back but i know that things always happen for reasons we always overlooked. i have a dream to grow old with her but i am not sure if i could achieve it. it is a bright idea like the star but it is also far and beyond reach, only special people have reached for the stars. she is one woman i have always love, there isn't a moment in my life i do not think of her.

i might be skating tonight for short distance as i don't think the rest will join. it's been awhile and i miss skating actually. i have not sign up for any advanced skating classes yet. money and time play a role. right now, i have the money but i do not have the time. i don't mind signing up alone as it would be better, no hassle and no hard feelings with friends. hulk has been lazy and i gave up on him. why should i worry and remind him to train when he is an adult? i grew tired of reminding him. in my mind, if one buys a pair of skate, one must be willing to train and practice without having someone to remind him to do that.

you know that my quran class has started don't you diary? it is fun, i enjoy the lessons everytime. the Ustaz is fun and has plenty sense of humour. i have managed to recognize the characters and i am able to write them down. it is a good progress i have made. i need to practice on it as often as i could otherwise i would forget and have to start all over. i think the first module emphasises on characters recognition, pronounciation, and the merger of the characters. i was told that the most effective way to recognise the characters is to remember the position of the dots. learning something which you must know is exciting especially after you have realised how crucial it is. i never bothered to recognise the characters in the arabic class when i was young and always making excuses to absent myself from it. now that i have realised the importance of it, i always make an effort to learn diligently.

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