I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

never been this busy

It is only 12 days since new year and I already felt that this year is a very busy year for me. I have activities to do or to attend almost every weekend and I have to juggle between them and studies. I have never been so busy like this before and it feels unusual, like it is so not me, you know what I am saying diary? Like I said in my earlier journals, this year will ceate history in my life. I have started doing the things I wanted to do and I only have two more outstanding task to do and I am contemplating about it. Money plays a factor as well because the things I want to do are more course oriented where I have to attend classes and fees are applicable. They are not urgent but I do hope I am able to achieve them by end of this year.

I have to be a morning person this Sunday as I have to be at the cat show by 8.30 am at Pasir Ris and it is far from where I live. Hang tuah will definitely be awake by then but I am more worried about myself and my brother because both of us are not morning persons. Hang tuah woke me up at 6 this morning calling out to me very loudly and you know how loud a cat?s voice can be. It?s high pitch and sharp and it?s ear piercing. I hope hang tuah will not make much noise when we put him inside the new carrier as the distance is long and he can get bored being cooped up in it. But I am sure he?s gonna be fine cos he can have clear view of the outside from the bag cos the bag is design for him to be able to view the surroundings. He can even stick out his head out of the bag. I just love him so much that I think I will not let anything happen to him.

He vomitted last night after his dinner. We suspected that it?s the wet food that made him vomitted. I bought him fish flavours usually but my brother bought him chicken flavour and fed him with it. He still ate his dinner as usual but after awhile, he ran to his litter tray and vomitted. I immediately knew it?s the wet food the caused this, we changed his wet food to ocean fish and he did not vomit anymore after that. He?s one very smart kitten I can say. I had cats before hang tuah but they were all local and they did not rush to the toilet to vomit when they had to. They just vomitted at the spot where they were standing unlike hang tuah where he ran quickly to his litter tray and vomitted in his tray. Somehow he knows that his litter is not only for his stools and poohs but also for any other form of discharge he needs to do. That?s a very clever kitten! I love him even more since last night.

I have been thinking of little sister lately and I really wonder how is she doing. The last time I heard from her was last month when she called me. she was going back to australia and said she will call me from there when she has the time. I hope she is safe and happy there. I feel so sorry for her not being able to live like how she wants to. If I can do a miracle, I would give her an everlasting good health. I miss her so much, I miss reading her emails, I miss her laughter and I miss her concerns over me. please god, give her a better life and good health, cure her from any disease she is suffering..

You know diary, I have been shopping a lot lately. I bought myself lots of sports wear for skating, one mango and 2 abercrombie and fitch tops, a pair of levis jeans and recently a watch. There are many other things that I bought like, cds, pouch, Tuah?s carrier and many more. I have stopped buying now and want to concentrate on saving money. I hope I can save 15K by end of this year. I know I can if I just focus and stop spending unnecessarily. Let?s talk about the watch shall we? It?s beach in colour and has leather strap. I don?t have many watch that comes in leather strap. It?s a Titus and I have been eyeing on it for a long time and I happen to be browsing when I saw that it?s going on offer at 40% off the total price. It?s a good bargain and I didn?t want to miss the opportunity of having it at almost half the price. Anyway, it?s in my list of things to buy so I didn?t feel that I spent money unnecessarily. It?s a nice watch diary, very exclusive and expensive looking watch. I just had to get it.

Oh before I forgot, I met yanni and kinablu last Sunday and yanni told me that I have lost weight. That made me smile and felt good about myself, it boost my confidence. Many have said I have lost lots of weight but they also told me not to get too thin. Well, I have never thought myself as thin or slim but I know I am at my ideal weight. Oh well diary, I am sleepy, need to sleep. You take care. Bye for now.

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