I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Proud Owner of Hang Tuah

i was on medical leave yesterday and did not get out of the house except to see the doctor. i went to polyclinic and spent 2.5 hours waiting to be consulted by the doctor. it was unusually crowded yesterday than the rest of the days until i realized that it was Monday. it was terrible and annoying that you have to wait that long for a less than 5 minutes consultation and for a medical certificate leave. i ended up spending more money instead of saving. if i had known that it would cost that much, i would rather go to the private clinic than polyclinic, it could save me a lot of time as well. it cost that much probably because i told the doctor i had a diarrohae. the medicines for diarrohae cost more than fever so that explains the price. darn! i should have told the doctor i had fever instead of diarrohae.

it seems to me that i have been busy on almost every weekends in January this year. last week, i went for my quran class on saturday and then went to JB on sunday and spent the whole day there, this past weekend was a hectic one too. i went for my quran class as usual and when i was on the way back, mum called saying dad wanted to go to Mustafa Centre to look for shoes. i came home, took my shower, perform the maghrib prayer, got change and off to Serangoon. we came home at 1 am and i felt like a zombie. once we got home, we quickly prepared the stuffs to bring for Hang Tuah's cat show on Sunday. it was our first time and we didn't really know what to bring and what to expect. we ended up bringing lots of unnecessary things. Tuah got into his new carrier and didn't make a lot of noise until after approximately 1 hour of the journey. i think he got bored being cooped up in the carrier and he scratched and pushed his nose forward in an attempt to get out of the carrier. i can sense that he got agitated and restless, once we got down from the bus, we went to a secluded area and let him out of the carrier for awhile. he seemed relieved and enjoyed his short moments outside the carrier. we had to continue with our journey so Tuah had to be put back into his carrier. this time, he did not make so much noise cos we let him out in the cab and we just got lucky cos the cab driver seemed not to mind.

i was amazed to find out how serious the competition can get. cages were given to each cat and owners actually decorated the cages so beautifully that one would think how privilege it is to be a house pet. we didn't bring anything for decorations, not even a towel for him. Tuah's cage was the most simplest and boring one until some good samaritan lent us her cat's towel. i folded the towel nicely and placed it to fit the base of the cage so that he will not feel the cold steel anymore. Tuah was such a good boy throughout the competition. he didn't make any noise, he was not being difficult and he definitely did not give us trouble or embarassement. he sleeps in his cage and occasionally woke up to the noise made by the public in awe at how cute or how beautiful he is. There were 2 rounds of competitions and each round was judged by a different judge. there were 2 judges altogether and one was from Japan and one was from australia. Tuah didn't get to final in the first round but he managed to get to the final in the second round and i was so ecstatic because i knew once he got to the final, he is definitely going to be in the top 10 cats under the 'Best Household Category'. he is such a lovely cat. both judges said that he is very clean, very well taken care of and is in not excellent yet but just good condition. that is enough to make us the proud owner of Hang Tuah. the judge from japan said that Tuah has good long body, very soft, silky hair, beautiful blue eyes and has a handsome face. i noticed that the judge from japan likes cats with big, muscular, strong body. she always emphasised on how thin or fat a cat she judged and i guessed Tuah got lucky cos he is big and with good posture and body for a kitten his age. the only thing he lacks, is his colour. his natural hair colourisation takes such a long time to develop. he is cream lilac and not mitted. i guess we have to wait till he is 1 year old to see his natural colour. most probably he is going to be blue. he is such a darling diary, you should have seen him during the competition. he is such a good charming boy. I have the feeling that Tuah can go far in competition in household category. we can't enter him in championship and major event because there is a standard requirement for Ragdoll to enter into major competition and believe me, not many Ragdolls have that qualities, it is like 1 in a hundreds around the world. it was difficult for the judge to judge for household category as well, since there are no standared guidelines and requirements for it. I strongly believes that cats are chosen to be winners based on the judge's preferences and taste, experiences only adds to the judge's quality of judging. my brother and i have decided to get another cat that is of championship competition quality. we want to have one cat for household category and one cat for championship category. siamese and persian are easy to get into champironship since there are no strict requirement for them to enter. but what i really have in mind is american shorthair. their hair colour is attractive and believe me, they can pass for a tiget sometimes at one look or as a forest cat. i don't exactly know when does he want to get one but i can't wait to add one more kitten to my existing collection of cats. Tuah won the ninth place for Best Household Cats category and won himself 20 kg of cat's pride litter, 6 kg of Royal Canin cat food, a bottle of fish flavoured water and a few other goodies. we are saved from the trouble of buying him anymore litter for the next 4-5 months or so. that is the benefit for winning in a competition, apart from getting the recognition, you get free supply of food and litter as well.
i am actually in a dilemma diary. i don't really know what to do and i need some good advice from people. i wish i could let it out to you now but you have to wait diary. i need to have a concrete plan first. i am disturbed by this thought for so many days now. i am going to make a major decision in my life and i have to think carefully about this. i have to list out the pros and cons, i have to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and i have to look into it further. i need to ask my family members, my closest trusted friends, my cousins and my acquaintances. this is one big major decision of my life diary and i hope i will make the right one.

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