I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, December 11, 2009

Kindness Is In Your Power, Stupid!

Dear Diary,

I just came back from Damansara uptown. I met up with my friends and had late dinner there. We hung out at coffee bean. I was there early and had to wait for them for about ten minutes. It has been awhile since the last time I met them. Things happened between us but it was resolved and there we were again. I enjoyed my time with them and I wish we could do it again.

I had peppermint tea and chicken with mushroom pasta. I had forgotten what they called the pasta but it was good except for the tea. I shouldn’t have ordered peppermint tea because I really feel like I was drinking liquid Colgate when I had it. Every sip reminded me of the time I gargle my mouth after every toothbrush session. Yes Diary, it was that bad and everytime I swallowed, it was as if I swallowed the garggled water. I was not impressed with the taste of the tea and it was a lesson I have learnt; never order anymore peppermint tea.

While we were there, there was a cat that came up to a family of five who was sitting outside at the non air conditioned seating area. The cat was little. I am sure it was not a kitten but it was small in size. It walked to that family probably hoping for them to throw one or two pieces of chicken chunks so it can fill up its empty stomach but no, instead the father kicked the cat and even tried to step on it. My friends and I watched in awe. Fortunately the cat was smart enough to know when to leave and it walked away from them unharmed. While walking away, the daughter of the man walked after it and gave chase to it, stomping her feet scaring the cat and she even tried to kick it just like what her father did. She was only about eight years old.

With that, I anticipated the girl growing up with no sense of compassion towards animals. Watching how her dad tried to step on the cat just gave her the impression that it is alright to do that. It all boils down to family conditioning. The home is the best instituition for children to learn. Children learn from what they see and watch at home. If a father shows that kind of behaviour towards animals especially cats, the children might just grow up not having any sense of humanity towards animals. If you haven't any charity of kindness toward all living things in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble.

Seeing what happened, I was brought to mind when I was about nine years old. The sons of my next door neighbour physically abused a cat right infront of my eyes. He pulled the cat by the tail and flung the cat away. When the cat tried to escape, he pulled the cat by the tail by force and flung it again. The cat screamed in pain and I can sense how much pain it was in. I was flabbergasted and shocked. I didn’t think anyone would have the heart to do such a ruthless thing to a helpless cat. My shock turned to anger and I yelled and shouted at him. I cursed him like I was in a cursing competition and I swear I was ready to jump on him and scratch his repulsive face until my mother came up to me and pulled me away. Something just made me do it. I felt at that time I had to do something to stop it, I had to defend the cat because I knew he cannot defend himself. How harmful can a cat be Diary? They are harmless creatures that God created to share this earth with us. What does it take to show just a little kindness? They failed to acknowledge that kindness is in their power, even when fondness is not.

I grew up in a home where animal abuse is not condoned. My parents are animal lovers and I have had pets since I was young. We have had fish to rabbits and cats as our pets. Growing up has always been about sharing our food, shelter and love with the extended families. I can sacrifice my share of fish for my pet cat and share my bed with him. That is how I was brought up. Seeing acts of animal abuse just sickens me and I wish I could do more to protect the rights of those animals.

If the cat had not walked away in time and by any chance the family had hurt or abused it, I was sure I was going to repeat what I had done when I was nine years old to that family and who knows what I might have done to them because mum is not around to stop me from getting too carried away with anger. I was ready Diary, like a sumo wrestler taking his position to attack his opponent come what may. I was not going to care about what’s going to happen to me anyway even if I will put my safety in jeorpardy because my priority was to protect the cat and knock some sense of compassion and humanity to those unruly, moronic imbecile nincompoop bastards. What this world needs is a new kind of army - the army of the kind and she has my vote in that.

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