I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Falling In Love Back Again With Home Sweet Home...

Dear Diary,

How has it been going on your side? I have been good and busy figuring out what I am going to do for a living. Let us laugh at that shall we? Well, you know I have been surveying and doing lots of research about the methods and ways to make money online. I have found many and presently I am working on one, which has proven to work. I am also doing the other one but I have yet to achieve anything out of it because I have not fully launch it yet. I still have to do a couple of things before I am able to enjoy the result which I am sure is going to be fruitful.

I woke up this morning feeling cold. Apparently, it was raining and I left my window opened last night. I always do that because I do not want to have the air condition on while I am sleeping. I cannot stand the cold. I would rather sleep and wake up sweating than having the air condition or the fan switch on. Talking about this I remember how Flying Babe likes to wake up sweating from sleep. It sounds somewhat funny but I think that is sexy. She does not mind sweating during her sleep and that is something not every woman like. I miss her Diary. I really do.

After my shower, I went to the neighbourhood community centre to get my Singpass to allow me to check how much money I have spent for the purchased of my house in Singapore. My brother and I have decided to sell the house so we are actually making calculations ourselves before engaging the service of the property agent. Once we have sold this house, I will not be having property in Singapore anymore. I supposed I just have to make it in Malaysia come what may. You know Diary, sometimes I wonder if I had make a good decision in moving to Malaysia. I had an almost perfect life back then, good paying salary job and a kind boss. I do not know Diary. I do not want to think about it but I cannot help it. Whenever I come back to Singapore and see the changes, I began to miss it even more and to have reservations about my move to Malaysia. Was it worthwhile? I cannot turn back Diary. I have to make it wherever I am. It does not matter anymore.

Spending more time in Singapore makes me realized about the things I have miss since I have been away. When I brought Rolly Polly around, I acted like a tour guide to her but deep in my heart I was in point of fact fascinated, amazed and impressed by how much Singapore has changed. I did not recognize Orchard Road anymore. Can you believe that Diary?

So many shopping centres have sprung up like wild mushrooms. With its magnificent skyline, efficient and accessible public transport service, systematic ways of almost the whole lot, I wonder to myself if I should have gone back to Singapore and spend the rest of my life here. I am just toying with the idea but it is just something that I will consider if things are not working out in Malaysia. I am proud of Singapore when I showed Rolly Polly around. She and I have been having deep conversations and sometimes opinions about the differences of the two countries. It is just something that everybody would do when he lives elsewhere. It does not just happen to me, it happens to anyone living out of his country. He will start doing silent comparisons and evaluation. Then, he begins to appreciate what was once he thought were the flaws of his home country. It is just natural.

All I am saying, a person who has lived in a country long enough has the rights to be judgmental of that country because he has first hand experience. He does not read about it or know about how it is like to be living there from some documentary or travel magazines. Instead, he went the extra miles to live there and see for himself. That is the difference between education and experience. Education is the process where you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you do not. If experience were not so important, we would never have had anyone walk on the moon. If you want to understand democracy, spend less time in the library with Plato, and more time in the buses with people. I supposed that is what Najib was thinking too when he decided to take the train with the public.

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