I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just Do it...

Dear Diary,

I have yawned almost ten times as I am writing this down. I should have gone to bed already but I feel that I have to write to you first. How have you been doing? I am good and my toothache is subsiding. The pain is a little gone but I am still taking precautions. I have begun to eat solid food but I only chew on the right side of my mouth. I am afraid to chew on the left side because I want to allow my gum to heal completely. I miss my Listerine so much at this time.

You know Diary, in times like this that you will begin to miss your home most when you are away. Even though this is my house, well I bought it yes, but I do not have all my most treasured belongings here because I do not live here. Most of them are in Subang Jaya and my Singapore house is just a stopover for me actually. My brother and I are planning to sell this house away. I need money in my Central Provident Fund (CPF) when I grow old and retire. To sell the house is to allow that, as the next house in Singapore will solely be my brother’s. I will not be sharing it with him anymore.

I am not sure how many room flat will the next house be. It all depends on my brother. Talking about this actually reminds me how I have to step it up on my business. After e sell this house, that means I will not be having any property in Singapore neither do my parents. My parents will be living with my brother in his house. I will occasionally come and stay as and when I need to leave Malaysia. It is difficult to live in a country without a visa. I have to leave every two weeks, stay overseas for a couple of days and then come back. The cycle continues until I get myself a visa. It is not easy to get a visa especially for people like me who own business.

There are so many protocols I have to meet, to get a visa. Firstly, I have to register my company as a private limited company. Secondly, it must fall under the one million paid up authorized capital private limited company. Thirdly, I must wait until the authorities deemed that my company has reached maturity and has enough bank transactions before they grant me my visa. So you see the reason why money is all I have in my mind. I have to make it work because I am not going back to Singapore. Where would I go once this house is sold Diary? The next house will definitely not be mine. Yes, of course my brother would not mind me crushing in his house for the days I have to be out of Malaysia but I would not be comfortable doing that. I am giving myself three years to grow my company from a one hundred thousand authorized paid up capital to a one million authorized paid up capital. Make my company bank accounts active as I can. Grow my business, have multiple streams of incomes for my company and get my visa.

That is my plan now Diary. I just have to make it work. There is a story that I read about a successful businessperson in Malaysia. He was not successful when he started out his business (who will when they first started?). When his business progress, he bought himself a Mercedes. It is not to show off neither it is to celebrate wealth and luxury too soon but it is only because he wanted to motivate himself. The Mercedes acts as a catalyst to make him work harder to prosper so he could pay off the installments for his car. The Mercedes acts as the fuel for him to be on the lookout for more business opportunities. He wanted so much to keep his Mercedes so he did what he has to do to keep it. Ultimately what he did help his business grow and become very prosperous.

It is like being chased by a Rottweiler dog. You just have to run for your life hard and fast if you do not want to be bitten. Whatever it is, you run, jump, skip, leap and do what you have to do to escape from that nasty Rottweiler. If you manage to escape, you achieve victory but if you do not, you will get hurt. I think that is the moral of the story. Just do it, Nike says.

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