I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Want To Be Just Like Them.

Dear Diary,

I am back to Malaysia now and I need to run so many outstanding errands. Rolly Polly fetched me and we went straight to Bangsar to have our early dinner. We had ‘ayam golek’ with rice. It was not a very wholesome meal but it was enough to make me feel contented. I tried to order half of the whole chicken but they did not take orders for half a chicken so I had to order a whole chicken of ‘ayam golek’ which I think was ridiculous. First of all, they did not give customers an option to buy. If it was their intention to do that so that customers would just settle for the whole chicken and pay more instead of paying less for half a chicken, then I would say it is unfair. I have to admit that the only attraction at that coffee shop was the ‘ayam golek’. The coffee shop does not serve good food at all. I have been there a couple of times and believe me Diary I think my own home cook food taste better. That is why I have a fix menu when I dine in there; ‘ayam golek’ and white rice. Any other extra dishes would spoil the mood.

How are you Diary? I haven’t written for a couple of days. I have been busy working and staying up late doing my work. I could write to you but I was tired. I am sorry. Anyway I hope you are in the pink of health. I am good and the toothache has gone. It is not bothering me anymore. It is not the tooth but the gum I think. Peppermint has been nice to me. She wrote me in her email a whole list of home remedies for my toothache. I didn’t try any of it. Not that I don’t appreciate it but the toothache was healed when I got her email. I was impressed by her effort. Even though I know it was just a copy and paste thing from the internet, it was her thought that counts and that was magnificient. I have made her my other Diary you know.

I spent a couple of days in Bangi crashing over at Rolly Polly’s. we just had to brainstorm about selling online more aggressively. I have been searching and surfing all the websites that I have found on how to make money online. It is the revolution. So many people are making money online nowadays part time or full time. Times have changed now. The internet is not just a place for looking up for informations on things or booking your flight or concert tickets but it is a place that allows you to make money and if you work hard enough, you might just end up a millionaire. There are so many young internet millionaires. Greg Tseng and Johann Schleier-Smith are the founder for ‘Tagged.com’ Tagged.com is a social networking site founded in 2004. Chad Meredith Hurley (born 1976) is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the popular San Bruno, California-based video sharing website YouTube. Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur. He created the online social website Facebook with fellow computer science major students and his roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Those are all a few examples of internet millionaires who become one at a very tender young age. Malaysia has its very own internet millionaires too like Irfan Khairi.

So you see, it is all about ideas. These people turned their ideas into reality and they have never stopped since then and made it to where they are now. I wish and hope I could be like them. Living the dreams like what people always say. Perhaps not a millionaire but at least I can achieve financial freedom. Not having to worry about running out of money. Not having to be concern over my savings running low. Not having to wake up early in the morning just to be at the office before the boss gets in. it. There are people who easily make it there. I really admire those people. The determination, perseverance and desire, I admire all of them.

I have even stopped thinking about love nowadays. All I am thinking now is money. Sometimes I wonder what is to become of me if I fail. Will I go crazy or insane? A lot of us say that money cannot buy everything, but everything that we desire to have needs money. We simply cannot live without money nowadays. It is not the stoned age anymore and gone are the practices of butter trade. I do not want to be a slave to money but I also do not want to be working like slave to earn money. My statement is debatable of course.

Oh Diary, enough about money making. Flying Babe text me and asked how I am last night. I felt ecstatic. I felt my heart jumped. It sure was good how I felt. I haven’t written to her for a month now and I guess she is wondering why. So is she thinking about me Diary? Oh never mind that…I think I will just write to her again…Flying Babe, you are still the one.

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