I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Beginning...

Dear Diary,

I feel that I have to write to you often nowadays so that you know how much I have progress through this ordeal. Well, it is not such big of a deal but it is merely something that I have to note down. Just like how I made my move to Malaysia, from a student to a small scale entrepreneur. It is the journey I want to record so when I am eventually successful, I have something that can remind me of the days when I was still struggling before I achieve the success.

Going back to where I come from, transforming nothing into something and a nobody into a somebody. I feel very much demotivated sometimes since I have came back but I have been trying my level best to get my two feet on the ground. I keep telling myself that things are going to be alright. It is not as bad as it seems. I should be thankful for having such a supportive and loving families. I should be grateful for having such wonderful and helpful friends and most importantly, I must thank the Almighty for the air in my lungs. I breathe and I live.
I knew I have made a couple of wrong decisions but I supposed this is the journey of my life, where I will surely have to make wrong decisions before making good and right decisions. That is how things work. I have signed up to be a registered real estate agent in a more establish firm last Friday. I guess I have to learn from the best to be the best or at least close to best. Mum gave me the money to sign up. I had to take it because I cannot afford to waste anymore time. Taking the money from her makes me feel lousy but I do not have a choice. Beggars cannot be choosers. To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing.

I will start the real estate course tomorrow. I supposed tomorrow is the start of my voyage. I am sure it is not going to be a smooth sailing. Well Diary, whatever the conditions and situations are, I will persevere and endure because I haven't had many choices that I can pick and choose. I will just be present wherever and however I need to. I have promised myself that I will wake up every morning and work hard at it. Will I make it there Diary? I don't know but I want this start of my voyage to have a happy ending because sometimes the path I am on is not as important as the direction I am heading.

Wish me luck Diary and pray with me because I know you believe in me.

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