I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let There Be Love For Everybody...

Dear Diary,

I was at a food court at my neighbourhood shopping centre when I saw a family that caught my attention. There was nothing unusual or special about this family, however I simply felt for them the first time I laid my eyes on them. The family was incomplete. I didn't see the man in the family. To my opinion, he was probably working because it was on a weekday. I saw the mother, daughter and a son who is probably in his early twenties. The son is on a wheelchair and that's what caught my attention. It is not that I have not seen people on wheelchair but in this particular situation, I just have to take notice of it.

The son had to be spoonfed although he could move his hands. Looking at the size of his legs, I assumed that he has been wheelchair bound for long. You know how the legs can grow small in size when they are not put to use don't you Diary? I remember when I broke my arm, I had it casted for two months. When I had the cast removed, my hand was small, tiny, weak and not to mention stinky. You know Diary, when I looked at the son, I couldn't help myself from wondering and asking. Why is he on wheelchair. What happened to him? Will he have a chance to walk again? I couldn't stop asking and it made me feel very contented with what I have.

Often, when we are in some kind of trouble we would ask why did it happen to us. We would think how unfair life is and most of the times we started to self-pity. I may not know this young man on the wheelchair but I did not see any regrets on his face. Perhaps he has grown so used to his conditions but then again, I am not sure if I could display that kind of confidence if I were to be in his shoes. I am sure he is younger than I am and I am sure his condition did not come in-born with him. Something might have happened to him in his life journey. Whatever happened to him, I am pretty sure is a great test for him. I wish him well and may he be blessed with all the love around him.

Diary, Flying Babe has got my letter and she sent me a very short text message. It simply contained "...someday..." in it. I do not really get what she meant but I knew I dedicate the song to her. I said that in the letter and I figure she probably meant that someday I will achieve my goals or what? I am trying hard not to sound over confident or perhaps as some people like to say "perasan" but...oh Diary...I am not sure if I am doing the right thing by saying it here. Never mind. I am just so afraid you know. At some point of my life, I want to have her back into my life but I am also afraid that I might lose her again. I am not easy to please and I get sensitive easily especially with someone I love very much. I think the problem lies with me. I am just so vulnerable in love. Perhaps I must bear in mind that the past is behind us, love is in front and all around us.

I got to go now Diary. I am having lots of distractions now. I will write again ok.

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