I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Little Progress...

Dear Diary,

Today at 6pm, I will have to go for a road show that my division has planned. This will be the first time I am attending a road show organised by my division. I am sure I cannot do much because I haven't even done my name cards yet and I have to be stingy with my voice. My throat is sore and I am coughing. I have eaten more than a dozens of lozenges. It is very annoying and I really cannot stand it. I had to control my cough last night when I was attending the training. Have you done that Diary? Have you tried to control your cough in front of 45 people? Believe me, it is hell with a capital H.

Mum seems worried about my health and she insisted I go to the clinic with her. Well, being the stubborn me I just refused. I hate the doctors, clinics, nurses and anything and everything that associate with them. I have this 'thing' with them that I cannot explain. I turned down mum's request. I supposed she is just worried. Naturally being a mother, that is what she must do. And I supposed after she has lost a son to cancer, she just wanted to be safe than sorry. I understood her but I really think it is unnecessary for me to see the doctor. I know what happened to me. Imagine this Diary, after 4 years of easy living in Subang Jaya, how can I not expect to be down with fever after having to go back to work? My body has been so pampered. I slept whenever I wanted and woke up as and when my eyes opened when I was there. I went to the stall as and when I liked just to collect the daily sales money. I spent without having to worry of running out of cash because I know there will always be money for me everyday. Let me tell you Diary, I deserve nothing but this. Serves me right. I guess it is about time that I learnt things the hard way. 

I went to the market yesterday with mum. Mum wanted to buy groceries and she bought some fish as well. We came across fish roe. My thoughts were with Flying Babe when I saw the fish roe. I remembered how she told me she likes it very much. The fishmonger offered mum the fish roe, but mum refused to buy saying it is difficult to fry as the oil will pop. The fishmonger assured mum that the oil will not pop as the fish roe is of a good kind. I was hoping mum would buy it. Personally, I have eaten fish roe but it is not something I will look for because it has never cross my mind as a dish. But yesterday, to my surprise, I kinda persuade mum to buy. It reminds me of Flying Babe and probably because I wanted to feel how she would feel having the fish roe as her favourite dish. It's just more of a matter of 'feeling' it rather than eating it you know what I mean Diary? It is crazy to think about it.

Oh yes Diary, I have to tell you this. I have signed up for the Certified Estate Agent (CEA) course. I received an email from my agency and they will be conducting the CEA courses during the day and evening. I opted for the evening classes. I signed up for the May intake and I know I will be working for the Youth Olympic games by then. Well, can you see that I am progressing Diary? Like I said yesterday, slowly but surely ya? hahaha...It is good that I am taking it at my agency as the course and examination fee is SGD450. It is SGD200 cheaper than signing the course at the Institute of Estate Agents. I supposed the next thing for me to do now is to have my name cards and name tag done and then subscribe to the infotools systems. At this point of time, I am trying my level best to attend all trainings as possible. I know I really have not launched my career properly but I am doing the necessary first.

Diary, I want to share with you something. There is an agent in my division who made SGD100k in commission in the same month before. He did not do private properties but instead he did it with HDB Flats. My God Diary, I cannot imagine how and when did he sleep during that particular entire month. He showed us his transactions and pay slips to convince us. I believed him but I also believe that this kind of thing does not happen every month and does not happen to everybody. Only the hardworking ones who work like he has no other commitments in life can achieve such success. I wouldn't mind to work like that to acheieve my target for that month but I would mind to work like that every month because I know I still have my family to spend time with. I will not slave myself and ignore my parents for the sake of money because I know I can make money everyday but I cannot have my parents everyday for as long as I live. But it is good to hear inspiratioal stories like that. At least now you know in real estate, you can really have unlimited income ceiling.

Oh well Diary, this is what we say 'rezeki'. It all depends on your true intentions. No matter what you do for a living, if you have an utmost sincere intentions, you will do good, no matter what. The only difference is, how do you feel about it all. As for me, I merely want to make a better living for them, her and myself. Summing up, it is clear the future holds great opportunities. It also holds pitfalls. The trick will be to avoid the pitfalls, seize the opportunities, pray to Him and practice modesty.

Catch you tomorrow Diary. Take care.

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