I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Will Have My Privacy Back Soon...

Dear Diary,

I went back to Subang Jaya last Friday and came back to Singapore on Wednesday. On the way to Subang, my heart was filled with nothing but excitement. I have never felt that way before whenever I came back to Subang and when I did I was not surprised. I knew where did the excitement come from. I had been in Singapore for almost three weeks. I had not seen my car, I had not seen my house and I had not seen my closest friends. I miss all of them. The journey to Subang Jaya on last Friday was a journey to the destination that could cure my long for the best things in my life.

Paranoid was at home when I entered the house. I noticed that she had been packing her stuffs. She was alone and there was no one else helping her. I let her be. I went inside my room and I took in a deep breath. I miss that smell. Most accurately was, I miss my room and all other things that come with it. I layed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I did not really know what I felt. I miss everything I have there but at the same time I knew I have to be pragmatic. If being there makes me become very unproductive, I better be somewhere else that allows me to use all my talents at its full best. Some people have advised me to work in Malaysia but it is not as easy as it seems. Many factors have to be taken into consideration like educational qualifications, salary, working hours and my financial commitments in Malaysia and Singapore. I supposed I have to wait a little while before seeing things go my way. All these while, things have been good to me. I got what I wanted without much of a hassle. I guess things have changed for me. It is time I learnt things the hard way.

I spent my weekend with Rolly Polly and Gummy Bear. We went dinner, breakfast, lunch and we did so many things together. I enjoyed their company and I supposed they enjoyed mine too. I teased Gummy Bear a lot. I probably have offended her so many times with my teasings. I don't know Diary. I have gotten comfortable with her and I treat her like a sister I never had. I hope we remain friends for long because I really treasure our friendship. The good thing about her is, she does not judge me no matter how or what I did to tease her. Her laughter is contagious and laughing with her just makes me forget about my troubles for the day. Humble, gullible and very down to earth, that's what she is. Sometimes I think I was too much when I tease her but I cannot help it. It is no fun if you tease a person with boundaries isn't it? Well, of course that statement is debatable.

Oh Diary, I left Hanny with Rolly Polly. I knew I will not be coming back to Subang for a long time so it was a good thing to leave Hanny with her. Rolly Polly is going to take care of Hanny. I told her to bring Hanny to roar every fortnightly. Ooohhh...I miss that queen of my heart already now!! You know Diary, I can be so stingy with my things. I never give permission to Rolly Polly to drive Hanny. *Chuckles* Well...I will one of these days.

It looks like Paranoid is really moving out Diary. She packed most of her stuffs already. She returned me the spare keys while she still holds her set of keys. I will have the house to myself by end of April. However, she did say that she might change her plan if she has gotten herself a permanent job in KL. She decided to move out because she is jobless and simply finds the cost of living high without a job. I actually plan to live alone and I do not intend to take her back if she has found a job. Frankly, I do not feel my privacy is being respected when she is around. I think you know why don't you Diary?

Nonetheless, Manhattan might be staying with me. Things are not confirmed yet but I could use some company of an old friend though, who shares the same inner interest like I do. I have so many plans for the house. I think I will furnish and decorate it to my taste. I will paint the hall chilli red and I will install air conditioners to two of the main rooms. Gosh...there are so many things I want to do Diary. Me and my dreams...well we have to dream don't we Diary? I admit that I am an avid dreamer and I dream almost every minute of my life and most importantly, I bring my dreams to life whenever I can because dreams are free theraphy for the soul and mind.

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