I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, March 29, 2010

How Much Longer Do I have To Wait...?

Dear Diary,
My cough has gotten so bad till I vomitted while coughing yesterday. I was going to take my shower, I coughed a little and then I brushed my teeth. After I brushed my teeth I coughed even more and I had this sudden feel to want to vomit and I did. It was terrible. My sleep has always been interrupted. I coughed so hard at night that Hang Jebat and Hang Tuah came in to my room just to check what that sound was all about. I am actually a little embarrassed with them. You should have seen the looks on their faces when they saw me cough. I would say they had looks of concern or rather looks of astonishment of the sound coming from me. Their eyes wide open and they looked at me as if I was some kind of an alien. Perhaps they should have mirrored themselves first.

How do you do Diary? I drank more than 1.5 liters of lukewarm water yesterday and ate more than a dozen Wood's peppermint cough lozenges. I am feeling a little better today. I called the recruitment agency just now to enquire about the temporary job for the Youth Olympic Games. I need to know when do I start work because I might have to drive my parents to Tangkak this weekend. I hope I will only start next Monday so that gives me time to go to Subang to pay my bills and car loans and also drive my parents to Tangkak. I suppose the schedule is not out yet. They said they will call me back and so I suppose I just have to wait.

Diary, have I told you that mum failed her Traffic Police driving test? Oh, I haven't. Well, she failed and she will be retaking the test in May. The first time she took it, I didn't really think that she would pass you know. But I hope she would pass the test soon. She really needs to because I will be busy with work and I do not really think I am able to drive them around that much. House viewing is usually held over the weekends. I will be working from Monday to Friday for the YOG during the day, and I will be doing my prospecting in the evening on weekdays. If I am really aggressive with my prospecting, I might be engaged during weekends for house viewing or I might just do project marketing for private houses. I will only have more time for them when the YOG projects end in September this year. I have a strong feeling that mum would get her license by then. I strongly hope so.

Diary, I have thought of keeping Hanny in Singapore but I can't. According to the land Transport Authority of Singapore (LTA), Singapore citizens, permanent residents (regardless of their place of residence), student pass holders, long term social visit pass holder and residents of Singapore are NOT allowed to use or keep any foreign-registered vehicles in Singapore. Therefore, it looks like Hanny has to remain in Malaysia. I will probably think of something for her. I might rent her perhaps. I don't know yet Diary. Everything seems to be all over the place right now. The recruitment agency just called me back and told me that the start date would be delayed to the 19th of April or 3rd of May. I can wait until 19th of April but I definitely cannot wait until 3rd of May. I am at a loss now. I am not panicking but I am thinking of other alternatives to solve this. Geezz...this is so terrible. I have waited for one whole month for the YOG and now I have to wait for another half to a month's time before I am able to start work.

This is the thing about working for a non-permanent project especially ad-hocs like this. There are so many parties that you have to deal with. It is a good thing that I signed up for the in-house course at the real estate agency. It is also a good thing that I did not wait to get started on it. Oh Diary, I hope I can just pull through. If I hadn't had commitments and if I hadn't had plans, I really do not mind the delay to start work. I have to pay Paranoid half of the house deposit since she is ending her tenancy by end of April and I have to renew Hanny's road tax and insurance and so many more bills. Oh talking about the house, Manhattan is not living with me afterall. Her office will not be near to Subang and so she has no choice but to find another house. I have to plan ahead of time so that I could get the keys back from Paranoid. I do not think I want to let her have the keys so she could crash at my place for a night or two whenever she comes to KL for interviews. I just want to keep the house to myself.

Diary, I am praying hard for a smooth journey ahead. I am feeling a little demotivated right now. I am not giving up but I wish I can just, you know...share my stories with somebody real. At this point of time, I recall how I felt secure when I was with her but I know good things always have to come to an end. She is probably happy now with her own life. What can I say Diary, I loved her once in my life, regardless what happened between us, the love we had leave beautiful scars in my heart. I have friends who I can share with but I am very careful with whom I want to tell. I know not everybody can be a good listener and not everybody appreciates true miserable life stories. People get easily misunderstood Diary. It is how the world works nowadays. You say one thing and people think it means another. I get sick of those things already. They make me so repulsive. I think I am better off being alone.

Diary, I am going for two talks tomorrow. The first one starts at 11 in the morning and ends at 1 in the afternoon. The second one starts at 7 in the evening and ends at 9.30 at night. In between those talks, I have to go to the recruitment agency to take some photos for the YOG badge. I will be out the whole day Diary. I will bring my netbook so I can write to you while I am outside ok. I love you Diary. Don't give up on me ok...? Until the next entry, you take care...

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