I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Turn Everything Into Positive Energy

Dear Diary,

I am down with fever, sore throat and running nose since yesterday. My body feels so weak, my eyes feel so heaty and my throat feels like it s on fire. I still have to attend some training tonight Diary. I will take my medicine first before I leave home. How are you Diary? I just wrote a letter to Flying Babe and I will have to post it today because it will take sometime to reach her. I am going to write her another letter today.

Oh yes Diary, we went to a work site yesterday during training. We went to Holland Road to see a cluster house that the agency is marketing. Diary, I never realised that there are people who are willing to pay that much for a house here. Do you know how much it cost? It is SGD5.5 million for sale and SGD15-16 thousands for rent. Can you imagine the commissions you could have made if you manage to make one sale or rental transaction? Geezz...Diary, it is no surprise that the senior sales agents in the agency are driving big expensive cars and live in private properties. I can see what holds for me in the future if I take real estate seriously but I must not forget the key words about it all; Hard Work.

The house is 4 storey high individually equipped with a personal lift in the house. You do not have to climb the staircase at all. Can you imagine that Diary? A lift in a house and a direct access to the car park to your own spot. There's a door on the basement that opens to the carpark, you do not have to get wet at all if it rains. Every room has its own balcony and there are so many facilities and amenities that I just cannot say here and you want to you why Diary? I cannot remember!! ha ha ha There are just too many to remember and I couldn't be bothered to take down notes because I know I will only learn when I have start selling. Besides, I do not think I want to go into the private market yet. I will do the HDB flats first for a start. It is easier to sell and 80% of Singaporeans live in HDB flats. But one day, soon after I master my selling skills, I would love to go into private properties.

During on-the-job training yesterday and I have gotten so much informations on how real estate agents market their service and promote their products. You know Diary, whatever your professions are, you got to have some kind of a tool to use to make your jobs easier. So I came to know about this particular tools that agents are using and how it works mostly for all agents who subscribe to this tools. When I was explained how this tool works wonder for all agents, I immediately visualise how I am going to use it for my career and how it will benefit me. I will subscribe to it immediately once I have gotten my certificate whichever is practical. I really have not done my planning on launching my career because everything that I want to do needs money. To go for the certified course will cost me about SGD650, and to subscribe to this tool requires SGD500. Well that is right Diary, before I can even begin my career, I need to fork out money. Money is so scarce nowadays. The in-house training already cost me SGD750. I am not complaining but I am just letting you know. So don't you dare say that I am slow in my progress.

I have to decide if I want to subscribe to the tools or the certified course first. I have to weigh down the pros and cons and probably meet up with my division leader to get his advise on this. I am also going to start work soon. Have I told you that I have gotten a temporary job Diary? I will be working for the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) this April. The contract is six months long. It will end in September this year. I hope to subscribe to the infotools for agents and have passed my certified exam, have my name tag and name cards ready by then. Well, it is not that bad isn't it Diary? It is never too late to start anything. Yes, I know properties do not wait for us but I have to take it slowly but surely. You know Diary, I have never thought that I will not make it because I know, no matter what the market is, a property for sale will definitely sell, it is just a matter of time and price. My only concern is my immediate financial commitments in Malaysia.

Oh Diary, never mind. ..I have to take my fingers off the keyboard now. I will think of something positive nevertheless. InsyaAllah I will overcome it. I have everything nicely sort out but time is just not on my side. I am one step behind and that is why I have this worry. I should have been one step ahead but hey, it's okay you know. I am still smiling and standing strong. I took a big leap and that shows I walk the talk and not just a person who only talks the talk you know. I took the risk and I face it. I have plans and dreams. It is time for an execution. I will write again Diary, you wait for my next entry ok. Take care now.

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