I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Have A Heart Too

Dear diary,

I have been staring at the screen for a couple of minutes thinking of what am I supposed to write. Yes, I have been telling you repeatedly that there are just so many stories to tell you but knowing that I have boundaries now simply makes me think twice before I pen down my thoughts. I do not feel that I have the liberty anymore. I feel that that my space has been taken away from me and words become so limited to me.  

I wish I could write freely like before knowing that I do not have any restrictions that I have to adhere. I hope that when I write, people will not be so judgmental about me. I am not quite so sure of how am I supposed to do now Diary. I get so tired of hoping and trying that things would be fine. We are all humans after all with feelings and emotions all jumbled up in one part of our body named heart. I supposed the heart has so many stories to tell than the brain because the heart does feel and when you can feel, believe me you will have stories that you can tell. 

Who are we to say that she or he will be fine in times of their adversities? Who are we to judge people like that simply by the outlook that they have. I am upset that people keep thinking of me as the strong one. I have my weaknesses too and my heart can only take so much.   

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