I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, October 24, 2011

To Complete The First Phase of The Vision

Dear Diary,

I have three more days to pull off my monthly sales volume until this month ends. I am looking good presently but in my line of duty, anything is possible and you really cannot predict what is going to happen. My sale was encouraging today to start the week. This week is the last week of October and it is my last week to make those calls to close some sales.  

In all honesty, I have been doing fairly well for a newbie. There are a lot of competitions and pressures but I know when I stepped into the office, all I wanted to do was to make some sales. At times, I feel like quitting but it is probably not the time yet. Do you remember what I have told you about my vision? Working here is the first phase of achieving my vision therefore; I honestly cannot give up easily even how taxing the situation at work can get. 

I like the work environment here. I come to the office and I simply need to do my work. That is all I have to do. I do not have the big boys looking over my shoulder to check on me. When I have my headset on, it will be the headset and me. It is relaxing in a way however, it is actually stressful. My job is to make sales, I bring in the figures and if I do not, I will be face with the possibilities of being dismissed from work. That is how things work in there. It is not discrimination neither it is oppression. I believe it is how the sales environment is driven especially in a bank. The seat that I have taken cost me one million and a hundred thousand in rental. If I do not achieve at least that sale volume monthly, I can say goodbye to my job. So you see Diary, I have every reason to be stressful about my work everyday. 

How are you doing Diary? I have always missed you. I miss those times when I used to tell you everything and never missed a thing. I know that things have changed a little between us but I have to admit that no one has replaced you. You are always the one that I look for in times of my adversities. I know you listen to me even though there is no reaction that I can expect from you. At times, I wonder if I ever going to write to you until the day I die. Who would read you Diary, when my time is up? I really don’t know. It does not look like I am going to have off springs. You know it is sad sometimes. All the people I have once loved. I miss them and I know I have said a few good things about them here to you. Perhaps I have said some bad things as well but well, how else can I do to let it all out? You are my Diary and my responsibility to you is to feed you with my life stories because all men should strive to learn before they die what they are running from, and to, and why. 

I had been in Kuala Lumpur last three weekends. It was a rush but I enjoyed my trip there. I did not go to Subang Jaya as it was really a rush. I had to buy some stuffs to resell them to the ready buyers that Hello Kitty has been gathering. It was a good deal. In one day everything we had was sold out. I am not sure when the next trip to KL is but I know it has to be soon as the demands for the goods are high and the supply is low at present. This is what I do for a side income. We are still at the learning stage and there are many options for us. If you asked me Diary, I would still prefer to have a business in the food and beverage industry. I have a thing for it and I know that for sure. I may not have ten years of full time experience but I have knowledge to run it and that is what I am working at. 

I simply do not know how to run any other business. I have read somewhere that if we want to run a business it is crucial how we must have at least some experience in that field. I still have hope that I will be running my own restaurant some days. Someone told me before that I will get what I want someday all I need is to have some faith. I am halfway through my first phase of achieving my vision perhaps we shall simply wait and see, shall we?

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