I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Being A Good Opportunist

Dear Diary,

I bought an alarm clock to save myself. I have overslept and missed the transport before and I am not doing it again. I am ashame as I was briefed verbally about it by my executive. However, I am quite upset as my workplace really is an inconvenient place to work. Normal public transport service does not operate there. We have to depend on private bus service, which have a timetable of its own. You simply cannot miss it. I could have taken the taxi but I was thinking about the fare and that turned me off. The next time it happens, I think I will take the private bus service. However, it also depends on what time I wake up and be able to get to the bus stop. 

There is a pasar malam near to my office at Jurong East MRT. I bought the alarm clock there and how I am glad I did because it only cost me a measly $4. I wanted to buy it elsewhere but I refrained myself as none was below $10 at the shop. I remembered that I need one and so I went to the pasar malam to search for it. They have takoyaki too and many other street food and snacks. I love street food. I never get tired of it. I have not eaten takoyaki for the longest time as it is so difficult to find halal takoyaki here. It is always cheap in pasar malam. Six balls for $2. Of course they are not very generous with the sauce nevertheless, they fry the balls crispy to my likings and I love every balls of it! Ok fine, I broke my rules of $3 a day for meal but please, give me a break takoyaki is my weakneses and it is not like I do it everyday, right? I have more than enough pocket money to last me untill I get my salary. So, I figured it is ok to treat myself to my favourites. 

I have been thinking a lot about my expenditures and my savings plan.  Ringgit is at its lowest. As of today, $1000 is to RM3000 or more. Remember I told you about unit trust 10 year plan? If I consistently save until my own investment reaches RM100k and leave my money there until the end of 10 years, there is a possibility that my investment will grow double the amount I invested. Now, in 10 years time I will be 48. And by then, I am sure I will be in Malaysia living there. If I am discipline and stick to my plan. It will come true and I think I can retire comfortable by then. The house will be fully paid for and I have a choice to rent it out and have passive income or I can sell it off.  If I were to open a restaurant, then the money I have helps me. I simply have to make sure the business is profitable. But that is secondary, the primary thing is to save first and then I will probably decide what to do. 

After all the talk, I am thinking of topping up my units. I want to buy more units to take advantage of the current exchange rate. We must make hay while the sun still shines. I see an opportunity now and I think I will seize it. I may not get to make full settlement of my car but I think I will top up my unit trust for long term benefits.

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