I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Monday, August 24, 2015

Money Talk

Dear Diary,

I fast today and I broke my fast with a bowl of laksa that cost me merely $2.50. That is how I am, as thrifty as I can be because I know I have to save for something more important in my life than food. Someone once told me that we cannot be stingy of what we want to eat. I beg to differ. Thrift is not an affair of the pocket, but an affair of character. I have always live by the principle that we eat to live instead of live to eat. I eat simple meals most of the time. Occassionally when I have extra money, I would treat myself to a big feast. 

I am not stingy neither I am a penny pinching woman. I only spend on the necessity. A bargain is not a bargain unless it's something you need.  I watch what I spend and that is how I have what I have today. I am not in a position to eat luxuriously daily. It is not that I cannot afford it rather I am simply being practical. I always remember to beware of little expenses; because a small leak will sink a great ship. I have to save for my house and I have to save for my ultimate dream of having my own restaurant in Malaysia. You know that has always been my dream, don’t you Diary? It takes a lot of discipline to save because it is always easier to spend money than otherwise.     

My ex colleagues know me too well. Some respected me for that while others jeer me. They made fun of me because I always carry a water bottle with me when I eat out. I did not buy drinks as I always drink from the water cooler in the office. I keep the water in the bottle and that is how I save. I ignored the colleagues that made fun of me and spent most of my time by myself. If it is irrelevant to love, I know I handle things well, that is what I noticed. I did not let myself easily affected by all those shananigans. 

It is ironic that the ones, who jeered and made fun of me, always came to me to borrow some money. I did not say no as it was always a small amount of money. She needed it for work, I knew. The willingness to share does not make one charitable; it makes one free. The only way to treat a person who wronged you is to treat her with kindness. It seems to me that any full grown, mature adult would have a desire to be responsible, to help where he can in a world that needs so very much, that threatens us so very much. I read that somewhere. 

I have not achieved the amount I need yet but I am going to continue. I am excited to get my own house and I really cannot wait to design it. I have many plans but they are all long-term plans. I did not include anyone in the plan because I know it is not necessary. I rather focus on things that are certainly happening than things uncertain. This new job pays me averagely well without any chance of earning more from overtime. It is a very relax environment. I have never thought that it would be this slow paced.

I have done my calculations and I guess I have to moonlight to earn extra cash. I do not need it actually but I want to. I have some plans. I wanted to make a full settlement of my car but the money that I have is kept inside my public mutual unit trust. My agent advises me not to withdraw it as it has only been slightly more than a year I have invested and it would affect the quantity of units I have. You see Diary, unit trust is a long term savings plan. You can see the results when you keep your money there long enough, say five years and above. My agent told me that it is possible to have double the amount I invested if I keep my money there for at least 10 years. I am imagining, if I manage to keep RM100k inside, I would have RM200K in 10 years time. That is the plan actually. And how much interest can I get from the bank annually if I transfer RM100k into the savings account? I am sure I can retire comfortably like that.

I can sell my house in five years time after I have gotten the key and that will add up to the cash I would have if I decide to sell it. But before that I just have to make sure that I hold a work permit or a PR status in Malaysia. I have a long way to go Diary. It is a very very long way but I know it is possible if I set my mind to it. I want to stay healthy and happy. I believe I am happy now. I have a job that I know I can learn to like. I have a good family. I have few good friends that I can trust. I will have a house soon. I have a car. I figure those are enough to make me happy. It does not take much to make me happy. I must have faith in what I do and believe. It is okay if I do not have anybody that loves me. Love is secondary. Primary thing is, I know how to make myself happy.

I have been looking for a part time job quite actively now. I think I am gonna work over the weekends. Food and beverage is my preferred industry because that is where I am going to learn a bit about running my own food and beverage business if I have one soon. In Sha Allah. Oh Diary, I want to get braces for my teeth. I just remembered about it and yes, that will add up to my monthly expenses. But that is my priority. I will get it.

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