I Am Sensitive

I Am Sensitive

Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Snacks

Dear Diary,

These twiggies are my favourite snacks. My family went to JB today. I did not follow. I could not stand the traffic jam. I feel that it is a waste of time spending my weekend on the road like that. Sometimes I tag along when my mood is good but my mood has not been so good lately so I skip. 

I gave money to my brother to buy me these so I can keep them in the office for my snacks. I do not eat at home anymore. It is good to have food in the office. I got to spend a little more but it is okay. I just finished Asar Diary. I still include her in my prayers. I guess it is a habit that I have developed. I will not stop the habit. It is alright. Tomorrow is Monday and I am going to start the week with fasting on Monday and Thursday. 

My dad bought me nasi lemak. Mum and I are still not talking. I do not care anymore. I do not want to because I know I am not the good daughter anyway. I do not want to try hard on anything now. Whatever happens will happen anyway. I figure that the best thing to do is to mind my own business but still be responsible towards my family. Hell or heaven...it does not matter. 

I got to go Diary. I love you so much. 

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